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Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:24 am
by type4ever
Hello, I'm new here.
But very old in the type 4 world.
My englisch is not so good, because I left school in 1982. Help, Im getting old! :wink:
I'll started in 1983 with driving a Type 4, so this year 25th Anniversery. :D :D
The reason I come to this forum is that sometimes people writing wrong facts.

Wally wrote:
Because the type 4 exists 40 years this year, the dutch 412club wil try to put together 40 (yes, forty) type 4's this summer in a big meeting. That would be a record!
In the past there were bigger meetings.

My name is Type4ever, after a meeting from me in jun 1999. Nearly 60 members were there, with 44 type's 4.
22 from Holland
21 from Germany
1 from Norway.

But the biggest meeting ever, is Sinsheim (Germany) in 1989.
64 Type's 4!!!!!!!!!!
Germany, Holland, Switzerland,Italy, Austria, Schweden etc etc
The most beautiful Type 4 meeting ever. :D :D

On the 40 year Type 4 meeting I will show some videotapes from the Type 4-past on Fryday, including Sinsheim 1989!

Every one from Europe, with a Type 4 come to Holland. People from elsewhere take the airplane. :D


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:32 pm
by Bill K.
SureFit Travis wrote:Oh, and by the way Bill, congratulations for getting your green 412 Wagon in the February 2008 Issue of Hot VW' know, on page 60, for the article on the Great Canadian VW Show of 2007. That's right, just there in the bottom-right corner. I saw it - you know it! :lol:
Cool, I'll have to check that out and pass it on to the new owner. See you, Bill