Parts for 411

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parts for 411

Post by albert »

yes,,wshawn,, ray geeve you a good info for that,, but if you can see in the first 411 diagram for europe ,, the 411 was with the,,,oval,,front light,, in this ,,oval,,light ,,you can see one hallogen ,low and hy bulb ,, plus one small bulb on the botthom of the case for ( they name that parking light ) the side marker plus this small bulb came on ,in the same time ,,, but wend they put the 4 light they use the wire on this small bolb for the low beam in the seal beam,,for this reason if the wattage is more 55/65 that take a new realy ,, i have pict. for this description,,i have see this description in the européan 411 book,,albert
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Post by raygreenwood »

Wshawn, take a look at the wiring diagram for the USA type 4. It should have the same relay and is just and add third wire to the outer bulbs. It has one central gorund wire (which yours already has) and two positives. Same level of power on each wire...just two seperate positions on relay. The second power wire is actually also split to the inner high beam lamp....which has its own ground wire. I am betting that you will simply need a three pin plug socket from any vehicle using H-4's...and to run an extra ...I think 10 -12 gauge wire to the relay.
I am out of town right now, but by Saturday I can drop e-mail pcis of mu lights with opart #'s and plug pics and relay #'s. Ray
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Lars S
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Post by Lars S »

All my 411/412's have had single filament bulbs in all 4 places and all 4 comes on at high beam.
This is how all Type4's (with 4 headlights) were made for Sweden and it was mentioned as a "plus" in sales litterature.

/Lars S
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Post by raygreenwood »

Yes, I have never seen type 4's that did not have all four headlights on at high beam. The US spec is the same.
What is different on US spec is have a secondary lower wattage filament that comes into use for low beams only when only the low beam outer light pair is on.
All US automobiles have this function.
What it does....and I have always hated that it gives poor lighting in low beam function because the low beam filament is usually less wattage than you should be using in my opinion.
Its a 10 minute upgrade to simply buy a pair of headlights with uprated low beam wattage.

Stock US spec vw's came with a dual filament outer headlight pair with 55 low/65 high watt rating...and as pair of high beam only inner lights at 65 watts each. high beam...on 411/412....all four lights are on at 65 watts each.

The Hella H-4 bulbs I replaced my H-4 55/65 watt low beams with I thout were 75/100....they are 80/100 watt. I replaced my inner high beamed sealed units with Hellas H-B2 100 watt when my low beams are on...I have 80 and 80 watts. When my high beams are on (all four)...I have 100, 100, 100 and 100 watts. Awesome lights. Ray
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