One of my new double 2,5" inlet boxes.
No I did not put all the finishing touches to them.....but I am sure they will work really good.
I will probably re-paint them and finish it professionally in same Porsche RS blue color as the car, or redo them in CF, one day.
Finally a few hours back home and some progress.
Exhaust and muffler is now above the gearbox. Will be wrapped for insulation and box around it.
Secondary CF muffler will hang under the bumper for final touch.
So, some progress at the lathe.
Took the CB HEI distributor and built the hall trigger in to the double distributor.
A lot of mini turning and spacers plus thinking.
Well today I can say that when ready it will be really good.
This is peek view only.
Will let you know when I have run it running on the distributor test bench, and then of course if it triggers both the Mallory and the 2nd spark Pertronix box simultanously.
Finally got some mill and lathe time in Pakistan so now I look forward to going back to Sweden for mounting this hub and also finalizing the exhaust and fuel injection mods.
Small progress on wheel side.
1,5-2 kg weight saving on each wheel by changing from VW steel to BMW aluminium.
Look like a steel rim but it is not.
Later when I clean it up and paint it, it will look nice too.
Also got my slitted and drilled discs in place that have been lying around since last year but unfortunately not had time to install until now.
Just measured and came up with the following.
Mangels steel 5,5 x 15" 8,1 kg
BMW al rim 6 x 15" 5,9 kg
That is 2,2 kg saving per rim.
Each new brake disc back is 1 kg lighter.
I have saved 11 kg by these changes and it is stock rims.
Not bad.
...and again a picture of the engine bay with almost everything in place.
Some linkage and some nice fabricated rear apron will be good to have.
This is it for today.
Heyya Frallan, nice reading and interesting stuff all of it, and since we are practically neigbhours I would love to stop by some time for a cup of zoegas and a chat.
Hi, so were are you located?
Why do you not come to Knutstorp on Monday?
I/we have rented the track full day. Approximately 30 cars in the morning and another 20 in the afternoon.
Not ACVW but a huge mix of other nice cars.
Starting 9 and finishing at 4.
I live just outside of Lund, Hjärup actually, and I would love to come, but there is the small issue of work, I maybe could get it sorted somehow and have a visit. Would be great !!
You can reach me on or call me on 0733-361998 but to be honest, now the coming days until next week, I am busy and manging minute by minute to get the car ready and at the same time keep kids and wife as a family during vacation time.
Hope to see you next week.