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Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:43 pm
by raykinsella

I've been posting here on STF for a few years, but I finally got a digital camera and so here is my family of type 4s. I live in Washington State where the climate is cool - great for aircooled engines - and no salt on the roads - great for the bodies. I'm sure folks here can tell which is which here, so I won't go into details. All three are running great (at least right now!), and much of the reason must go to the collective wisdom of the good folks here - thanks so much!

Second day of a lifetime of love

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:04 pm
by 4Dozen
Hi all, I’m Adam, 31 years old, Ohio. I purchased my first Aircooled yesterday, its a '73 412 Squareback. All my life I've been a watercooled VW guy; but I’ve always had a soft spot for the aircooled world, wishing I was part of it. I came across this wagon, and immediately fell in love. I don't have any experience working on these but I found this site extremely useful (in my few days of research). I'm looking forward to learning as much as you guys will let me and contribute all my lessons learned to the boards. Thanks for this great community..


Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:42 pm
by raykinsella
Welcome to the gang! Tell us about your car, and maybe some pics as well?


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:05 am
by 4Dozen
raykinsella wrote:Welcome to the gang! Tell us about your car, and maybe some pics as well?
Its a gold 73' 412, body is in great shape, some rust in on the rear 1/4's, but came with replacement 1/4's. Interior is in great shape, one small hole on the drivers seat. Seems to run like a champ. Brakes are bad, I was told theres a small hole in one brake line, I plan on replacing it and bleeding the brakes hoping that will fix it. Also a small oil leak, but only while its running. I was trying to trace where the leak is from, but its so dirty under the car, its hard to tell. I'll take some pics the first nice day we have. Can't wait to get this to 100%...thanks for the welcome.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:53 pm
by kps70
I'm Kieron, 38 and a teacher from England. I don't think I have added myself to this list even though I've been posting for 3 years now! I have a gold 1974 412 4 door sedan, now with not much rust after I cut it all out! I bought it in 2006. I have not seen another 412 on the road since I was a kid, apart from the red 412 variant in Birmingham. I've collected quite a few spares from ebay and samba over the past 3 years. I'm on the home straight now with the restoration (probably means another year to go what with the job, new baby etc). Oh, and the car was flooded in 2007 in the biblical flood that swept through Gloucestershire in the summer. Good job the car was in bits when it happened!
This forum has been great for information. I wish it was all in a book!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:41 am
by VW 612 RS
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:39 pm Post subject: VW 412 - 74
I live in Norway and I have a nice dark blue VW 412 -74. This car is reabuilt with Porsche 911 engine (3.0) and gearbox (930), Porsche dash, electric memory leather seats, adjustable struts, 911 brakes, 9 and 10 x 17 Rüf wheels. The car is not finished yet. But next summer the car will be on the road. I bought this car for 8 years ago. But the car was started to reabulit back in -84 so it has been on the road for only 10 years. The next step is to convert the engine to twin turbo. The plan for the car is a daily drive car but it´s built for some fast rounds at the tracks.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:58 pm
by Lars S
Welcome VW 612 RS!

Have waited for more info about your project (have seen it at "cardomain").

Looking forward to follow the progress of your most fantastic car!

/Lars S

Re: Roll call! Introduce yourself....

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:51 am
by bradey bunch
Hi Everyone. My name is Braden and I live around Vancouver, BC, Canada. I got my blue 1973 4 speed 412 wagon a few months ago and love it. I bought a parts car (don't worry--it was too rusty to save) and pulled the mint interior from it, and have been accumulating parts since so I can finish my car. It needs a few electrical bugs fixed, and at the moment I am in the middle of putting a vanagon clutch master cyl. in it. Future plans include re-lowering properley (PO cut springs), building a high power type 4 for it, as well as installing a strong type 1,2 or porsche tranny so I dont blow up the rare 412 boxes. I will keep all original parts to the car that I have, and minimize the chopping of any body parts. Also, thanks to everyone for all the help I have recieved on this forum! I will post pictures soon.

Re: Roll call! Introduce yourself....

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:40 am
by Milosak
It's time to present mine... My name is Milos, comming from Prague, Czech Republic. I had 7 Beetles before, my family (mainly myself) growth and needed to move to bigger car. So I decieded to go to Type 4. Currently I have 2 x 411 and 1 x 412 + Hymer Eriba Triton 1974. Sometime seems to me that I'm crazy to have so many cars....

This 412 was bought in Switzerland 2 years ago, second owner, milage only 96.000 Km, no rost, breakes out of order, front spring broken, w/o exhaust and some other small issues. I'm inloved in this car. I'm sure all of you know what I'm, talking about. More pictures about repair are here ... 932&start=


Here is with Hymer Eriba Triton

My first race

And here is mine 411, still not working, but this summer for shure will be finished. Bought in Serbia, near Beograd. Engine 1.7i was burned, I put now 2.0 CU engine just to drive it. Car are still in Beograd, drive only 50Km in october last year. In march I would like to take it to Prague.




Re: Roll call! Introduce yourself....

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:39 am
by Lahti411
Nice cars!

I just love this pic!
Milosak wrote: My first race
Welcome to the best 411/412 forum there is!

Re: Roll call! Introduce yourself....

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:04 am
by Lars S
Milosak,the combination with your camper looks great, will look even greater with the 411.

Welcome to the forum!

/Lars S

Re: Roll call! Introduce yourself....

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:18 am
by 412s2
Fantastic cars Milos, I am most envious!!!

I enjoyed looking through your thread on the flat4 forum even though my Czech is non-existent!


I hope we hear more about your cars here!


Re: Roll call! Introduce yourself....

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:10 am
by ubercrap
Welcome guys! Oh, and VW 612 RS, we have been drooling over your car for some time here. :lol:

Re: Roll call! Introduce yourself....

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:53 pm
by VW 612 RS
ubercrap wrote:Welcome guys! Oh, and VW 612 RS, we have been drooling over your car for some time here. :lol:
Hehe, thank you. I these days the car is just stored in a wearhouse wating for it´s new garage. I hope the garage is finished about a month or two. Then I can start the end of the projekt. I hope the car will be on the road in the end of summer.

Re: Roll call! Introduce yourself....

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 1:54 pm
by Joozz
Hello everyone,

I'm Joost from Holland. I bought my 412s last year from Walter, who is also active on this forum. It's technicaly 100%. Bodywork must be done. chassis is also fine.
attached some pictures;
