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Thing Rubber Seals Group Buy

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:16 pm
by Kubelmann
Years ago I did a bunch of group buy on all kinds of parts for out Things including three different Thing rubber seals

They included:

Door and Body Trim. This is a very plyable soft PVC rubber trim that has a locking metal interor that is far superior to the orignal stuff. I use it around the gas tank, along the tops of the rear seat backs, door pocket openings, top of the body, top of the doors and around the bottom edge of the hardtop. It look identical to the original trim but is made from a high tech 21st century rubber that holds up much better than the orignal.

Window Seal. This is a hollow "D" shaped very compressable and reforming custom formulated EPDM sponge rubber compound that has a very special adhesive on the flat side fo the "D" where it attaches to the car. The adhesive stays pliable for 72 hours. Then it cures and holds the rubber in place forever. The adhesive can also be removed without damaging anything.

Hardtop Window Seals.This is a rubber seal that again is shaped identically to the original seal but is formulated with 21st century rubber. It has a center locking seal for ease of installation.

Each of these products are very reasonably price. They end up costing each group buyer 1/4 of the cost if these seals were bought from any of the various VW parts companies and the quality is far superior to any other offering.

I cut the trim into single car pakcages box and ship it USPS priority mail. The pieces are all cut a bit longer than is needed to ensure a perfect installation for every car. I have installed lots of these so I will include installation tips to each group buyer.

If you are interested just post

Shipping address
Product interested in and how many surfaces you want to cover. I know how much it takes for each surface. For example if you want to use the edge trim and go around the body, doors and seat backs that takes 50' If you add gas tank that is 60' It makes your gas tank look awesome but you will have to create a new ground for your as tank so your fuel gauge will work. I just trim off some of the back of the trim around two of the bolt holes and that works fine. The door pocket edge trim takes 10' It is bigger than the stock trim but every Thing owner who has seen my door trim want to make their trim like mine is. It looks Sharp.

I have lengths measured for all the trim mentioned.



This is the two part window seal for a Thing hardtop. Notice that the foam seal is attached to the removable edge trim.


Here is the body trim and the same trim used to line the door pocket. Very clean looking.


Here is the edge tim on the bottom edge of a hardtop on the top of the doors and on the door pocket opening. The oe top edge body trim had two sponge foam pieces that cushion the door as it closes. I include two 1' sectionsof s soft foam self adhesive seal to perfectly reproduce the body top trim in the full body trim kit. It is inlcuded in the cost of the kit. Very clean and way better than stock. All my doors closed much more nicely after i applied this new seal kit. Also door rattle was eliminated.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:28 pm
by MNAirHead
I'm interested in a complete kit.. everything rubber.. 73

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:32 pm
by Kubelmann
I would like to put a group buy together for all three seals becasue when I refinish my tow hard top I want to take the glass out and then install the glass using all new rubber seals. Since I want to do two complete hard tops and that rubber comes in 100' runs, I think we will only need 3 other folks to make that group buy go. The other tow seals require about ten group buyers . I will take two units of each so that make it down to 8. We already have 4 folks plus my two for the widow seals so that leave 4 and we have MY two plus Tim on the body seal kit so that leaves 7 more needed. We will get this togetherr quickly I suspect.

Thing rubberseals group buy

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:04 pm
by Cliff
Cliff Harter,
3712 Loretta
Jackson, Mich 49201

I would like a window seal kit for all four windows

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:21 pm
by Kubelmann
Cliff Great to see your name in print Hope all is good with you and marilyn!!

group buy

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:22 pm
by baja1432
Hi K-Man!

Looks like you disturbed the Samba-Police..Ha.
Put me down for 2 complete sets, both with soft tops. Let me know when to send$$. I found a couple of boxes of goodies on E-Bay supposidly with wiper parts. I'll get back to ya on what I need for wiper stuff after I get a look at these.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:28 pm
by Kubelmann
I love it when I stir up a little **** in the interest of Thingdom advance. I did make a big nest of hornets buzzz didn't I.. Sorry Fellars.. Not... The group buy is on and the Thing community will benefit... Yowza.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:06 am
by bciesq
Interested in the door and body trim.


Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:34 pm
by Cliff
Kubelmann wrote:Cliff Great to see your name in print Hope all is good with you and marilyn!!
Doing pretty good here, way too much baby sitting this winter, knees wore out ,so going in for a store bought replacement

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:35 pm
by Kubelmann
The rubber is ordered. The group buy for the edge trim and the foam seal is a go!!

Here is the cost break down.

All orders will be shipping included within the U.S.

"D" shaped foam self adhesive window seal, gas tank seal will be:

20' $36 ($39 Paypal)
30' $46 ($49 Paypal)
40' $56 ($59 Paypal)

Edge Trim (Door, Body, Rear Seats edges, Hardtop edges, Gas tank edge, Edge of door pocket opening and more.
50' $75 ($80 Paypal)
60' $90 ($95 Paypal)
70' $105 ($110 Paypal)

Paypal will work best in terms of fast shipping.

Please send confirmation of interest to me via pmail at


Shipping Address:
Payment method:

All prices include shipping in the US

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:27 pm
by Kubelmann
The rubber has been produced. It has been shipped and will be in my hands in days. It will be ready for instant shipping within a week. The group buy is in stage three. A numbero fgroup buy folks have place their orders and paid in anticipation of delivery. Once again, the K-mann group buy has worked to the advantage of Thing lovers.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 8:47 pm
by Kubelmann
The rubber has arrived. The box is too big so it is stuck at the post office. I will go and get it in the morning. We are a full on go. There are a number of group buy folks that have already confirmed and paid. Those go out asap. Other group buyers send your info and the rubber hits the road asap also.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 10:28 am
by bciesq
I got mine.

Thanks K-man.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 4:02 pm
by Kubelmann
Great! Enjoy it. Make sure and cut all parts a bit long. This stuff does not shrink or stretch at all. Not even with time.. You can always trim off a bit later but can never add on.. Remember that the cut out for the top hinge goes on the outside not the inside IOU 1' of the d shaped foam. I will send it to you as soon as it comes in. Sadly I got it shipped tome in off white and had to eat a restock fee and return shipping. When it comes I will send yours to you. It goes on the inside edge of the door posts as part of the door seal. Just like OE.. K-mann