It makes me wish I hadn't spent all this time and stretched to all my resources on these various crappy hulks of mine (with the exception of my wagon). Oh well, too late now. Hopefully somebody will buy it and love it. I guess most of mine would might been scrapped or rotted away if I hadn't gotten them (OK, one is still rotting away...). If I had just one perfect car, though, how would I learn the cars inside and out? Parting out a few of hopeless cases has really taught me a lot, and now I have piles of parts.
That is a nice 2dr cruizer!! Need a warehouse and a bigger check book!!
Did you see also Vwfye is selling the yellow wagen too??? Did you see that gold wagen too? He want to trade though!! Bill
p.s.The Passat parts came in Thursday so I take her in Monday to get her fixed up! Let you know when I can get up that way!