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Side marker lights, contd from "Roll call"

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:46 pm
by Lars S
(....continued from "Roll call!")

vdubs-r-us wrote:
US-delivered 411s had a longer front turn signal - the lens wrapped around the side further - with a side-visible reflector and a small bulb behind. Of course the main bulbs were dual filament, one for the 'parking' light and one for the turn signal...

In my country (Sweden) we only had parking light in the headlight and the ordinary rear light (and as an extra: white/red side markers on the 411 and some other luxus cars). Dont think orange light at all was/is allowed as a parking light. In 1986 we had the law for side markers with turn signal but still not lit at parking in my -88 Passat.

The situation can have been quite different in another european country however...why should things be easy and uniform?
