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Found a manual 5-speed for my 412S

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:23 am
by Wally

8) :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:45 am
by ubercrap
Porsche G50?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:49 am
by Wally
Yep, its almost exactly twice the weight of a 412 manual tho...(and a bit longer).
It has a nice hydraulical slave clutch cylinder in about the same location as the type 4 tranny tho :roll:

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:22 pm
by Wally


Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:07 pm
by ubercrap
So, what kind of powerplant are you putting behind this thing? :twisted: :D

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:16 pm
by Wally
Non, just brainstorming :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:29 am
by ubercrap
I thought that was probably the case. Nice to know it actually looks feasible, though, if I were to win the lottery. Those transaxles are big $$$$ over here at least! Does anyone know how durable the original 004 is? Or am I going to have to blaze some trails and push 200-300 horses through one via a turbocharged Subaru motor and find out*? (*Note: not likely to happen anytime soon :lol: )

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:58 am
by Wally
ubercrap wrote:I thought that was probably the case. Nice to know it actually looks feasible, though, if I were to win the lottery. Those transaxles are big $$$$ over here at least!

Does anyone know how durable the original 004 is?
This one isn't/wasn't because its probably shot. This one was coupled to a turbo engine it wasn't designed for...and a few more things don't add up. But who knows it may be ok for the most part.

The original tranny is probably about the strength of a 914 tranny I suspect.