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Selection of my cars from 1978 to today, more coming

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:25 am
by Frallan
This looks like a good place to post some of my old cars and the latest.
Just the pictures and then I will add comments.
No special order but the timing will range from 1978 to 2007.

Pank in 1979 with T1 and 911 heads. Best Et NA 10.14 s on the 1/4.


When I see this picture I think (of Kicki)....and how we loaded the dragster on the pickup bed. We hade very long ramps to back the dragster up towards the cabin. Then we had the ramps lifted and bolted down on to the bed. They stuck out 2.5 meters behind the bed. Did it look funny? Well it was the way we did it all around Sweden and Germany for 10 races each season. Worked well and it was 100% ACVW. I also see the cables for the remote starter. We had no starter onboard as it was legal at the time. Furthermore I see the small connection up front on the front axle. It was our drysump oilheater built out an airplane water percolator. Good idea in cold Sweden. Pretty advanced for 1979

Same dragster but now in 1991, borrowed engine from Mats Herrlander 2332 cc and 230 + hp. 6.7 s on 1/8 with wildly slipping street tires.


This is a Honda 1232 cc dragster with a supercharger on it and the link to a VW is that it had a 002 bus gearbox mounted with the engine midway. So in fact the gearbox ran in wrong direction....! Do not try that. It was not a good idea. In fact I rebuilt that car for after the third testrun when I had a severe chassis failure and I will not tell you more. It was anyway typical to test something that was not ready. I learned a little bit.
In the background our IH transporter with an aluminium airplane quality sleeper/transporter but it never got ready. The Jaguar did and was my daily driver for some years. I ran a ZZZ3 crate Chevy smallblock in it and a TH700. Nice ride.


Car was 252 kg race ready without driver.


My 1967 beetle with a TIV, Scat split ports, DTA FI and an Autorotor S/C

Same 1967 beetle but here with several different engines or evolutions of engines. Top one from 1993 is the Pank dragster engine and Motec FI and a nice turbo located on the right side of the gearbox


Same 1967 last year ready to rest for some years. It has been my test bed for many contraptions. Most wild one was when I decided to blow a turbo in to the worked for a while until I melt some expensive pistons.



This is my recent car and project, "Blue Carbon". A street, drag and circle track racer.


Again the 1967 but picture is from 1985. Supercharged TIV 82 stroke and 98 bore. Watercooled heads and open Nicasil cylinders.


My 1958 beetle. Here as it was early eighties.


This is the same 1958 beetle as it looked when it was really a showpiece but at the time not mine. The year is probably 1979. As you can see it is prior to the top chop. Current owner after many switches is famous Udo Becker in Germany. He runs mid 10 s on the quarter.


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:33 am
by doc
Great toys!! :shock:


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:25 am
by Frallan
Here comes special one.
If it ran? You bet but new ideas and lack of money, then a job got me on to street driven cars in stead of racing.
So what is this and what is it doing on a ACVW site?

The dragster was bought as a rolling chassis and had been used by some guys running a Volvo engine.
What got me turned on was the Chysler 8 3/4" with Mark&Williams axles.
So what did we build?
A Honda 1232 cc with a Magnusson 82 inch Supercharger. Alcohol through a 2" SU and homemade floatboal "contraption" copied from successful MC dragrace bikes.
The Hondas are famous for having a strange design in running/rotating in opposite direction of most other engines.
So my idea was to turn this around, I hooked a hunked out Honda flywheel to a VW old bus reducer gearbox. (there you go, something VW on all cars) The stuff offroaders also used to play with.
The rotation was switched and the revs were reduced with 30%.
After the reduction gearbox I hooked up a chevy smallblock aluminium flywheel and then came the Doug Nash drag gearbox.
The big round thing far behind the engine is the flywheel housing.
It worked first time out.
I loved that Vertical gate shifter and wild revs from a SC small engine on alky.
Just recalled that the magneto driven by a small cogbelt was from an industrial VW engine.

Here is a better picture of the strange engine but in some way it worked well. At least the short time we had a Honda sponsor. Next year we put a VW Rabbit engine with same Magnusson SC. That one never worked well though because of losing the Dough Nash for a T10 4 speed which we never managed to get a Vertical gate shifter for. Season ran out and new ideas popped up again during winter.


And a picture of the Dough Nash setup.
Here is a farly clear picture of the T2 reduction gearbox sitting in between the engine and the flywheel assembly. Yes, cast iron and both heavy and heavy duty.
But it did its job in reversing the rotation and reducing the revs.

Now we are in May 1983.
We have changed the engine to a Rabbit with the Magnusson SC on it.
No reduction gearbox but unfortunately the Dough Nash is also gone.
The iron T10 could have worked but to have a street shifter in the back of it instead of the Vertical Gate, was not successful.
50% success rate when shifting gears will not bring you a dragracing career and it didn´t.
Picture is good, it just caught us in one of those worried moments on how to solve it.
Pank dragster engine on sale-display in the background.
We were constantly broke. Buying a gearbox and new shifter would have changed the situation but we could just not afford it.
I guess we did at least learn something...... maybe?


Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:30 am
by Frallan
Here are some more Häcken Hugo or St Moritz fashion pictures.

As the car looked when it was at its best on show in Stockholm 1977Image

Here it is 1984 with me behind the wheel and my dragster engine in the back.

Year is now 1986 and I borrowed the car to my race friend Mats Herrlander. That is me in shorts....Mats ran his potent 2332.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:56 am
by david58
Nice collection. :shock:

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:50 am
by david58
Click the link to start the show. :lol:

Slide Show of Frallan's Toys

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:55 am
by Frallan
Thanks David 58bug,

Very cool done.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:33 pm
by Frallan2
Did I love that car and did I have fun with it? YES!
A VW? Nope but still a beauty.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:41 pm
by Frallan
OK, I promise that this is the last non ACVW on this page. Next ones are appropriate ones.
T. Bird Super Coupe. Supercharged 3,8 V6. Not a V8 feeling at all. Just some nice purring and a good push.
This is from were I lived in the Chicago suburbs, Buffalo Grove and Palatine.


This is another one of my Canadian adventures.
I bought the car just three months before moving back to Sweden. Had it over summer in Sweden and then I posted the picture with my Canadian girlfriend in a magazine, car got sold with some good profit in a weeks time. Who says girls do not help advertising?
I do remember the window making cracking noises and it scared me but I would not tell her. Picture was so good....and nope, that is a full bathing suit, it is just pink on one side.


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:09 am
by Frallan
How about some Swedish ACVW against an American ACVW icon, Dave Perkins in the Bug Run finals. Nope, it was not Dave in the car.
Location is Swedish Mantorp Park and the owner at the time was Sören Fjällström. I won and he was runner up even if this picture reveals how late I was of the line. Sören is a full car length ahead of me.
I have only started with the wheels just of the line.

He ran turbo and I NA but maybe the weight had some advantage for me....


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:17 am
by Frallan
This is so crazy, how can I not post it?

Lousy picture but that is me. You have to be quick to catch my projects on picture before they turn in to another shape.
The picture is dated July 27 2002.
The engine is a mix of my turbo in the fender and feeding the supercharger inlet with a large intercooler in between above the gearbox.
Look at the raw and ugly cutout for the Supertrapp connected directly to the turbo.
Well, at least I had a lot of fun before the melted pistons reminded me of reality and not to try to boost 30 psi and map at the same time yourself.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:24 am
by Frallan
Double post

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:26 am
by Frallan
This picture I am quite proud of.
One of the few moments in Poland when I just got the car running and I went to a local VW gathering.
4 years ago.
A lot of nice friends in Poland and these guys are now really beginning to build some potent cars.
Czesc! Miss you guys!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:01 am
by Frallan
OK, here we go from Poland to Italy even if in reality it was the other way around.
I moved from Italy to Sweden and the to Poland....dont worry if you do not follow, I am also confused, just look at the pictures

This one is Monza Formula 1 racing track July 1996.
I still have the sticker and it gives me a special feeling to have driven there.
There was a fairly large VW event (no racing) and then they let us out on the track at the end of the day.
It scared the S.... out of me.
I had pumped up the pressure in the rears but the car swayed wildly.
The tires were BF Goodrich 275/50/15" street & drag and the side walls were NO good for circle track racing.
This is many years before the street drag radials arrived
Anyway, I also like the fact that for almost the full event people were on their knees trying to look under the car.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:40 am
by david58
Do you have any more pics of this car?