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engine types
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:58 am
by wopnick
just found out i have the 2.0 liter out of the 76-77 Transporter. This one's listed at 67 hp, what's the difference between this 2.0 liter and the one that was in the 914?
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:07 am
by raygreenwood
Other than the block and the crank...its a totally different engine. The 2.0 914 put out about 100 hp. It had different pistons, heads and camshaft. The 2.0 914 used the same cam as the D-jet injected 1.7L.
But as a baseline, the block is a great place to start. I would either build it out to being close to a 914 spec 2.0 by getting a new or different set of heads, decent exhaust, new cam and have the cylinders bored for new pistons.
The 67 hp that bus 2.0 put out would drive horribly in a 411/412. the stock 1.7 put out 82 hp with EFI and about 76 with carbs.
At this point you can build what you have into quite a few configurations. Ray
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:11 pm
by wopnick
probably explains why it runs like a friggin bus but it's good to know that the applications for it are quite a few. I had been planning on finding a 914 2.0 but by the sound of it it's much easier just to do the leg work on the engine and I can get the same bang for a bit less buck
Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:34 am
by raygreenwood
The engine cases...aside from some very small details like teh second relief valve which came into use on hydraulic lifter models and the fuel pump block off that was used only on carburetted 1.7L....and a few casting variances....were all the same. You can build any engine on any case.
That being said, busses lived a very hard life. The heads are usually cracked and teh cases may be warped from overheating. I would suggest looking at Jake raby's info on his forums about how to check teh case...or you can do a search because its all here as well.
You can find 914 2.0 heads...but very expensive and they were proneto craccking and must berepaired...or you can modify 1.7/1.8's...or you can get new ones....from only a few sources. Take your time and do your homework here. Ray
Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:42 am
by wopnick
thanks ray, your definitely the sage of 411's
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:43 am
by func412
BTW: I found an old article about Oettinger 6 cylinder WBX engine, which was used in Vanagon. The most suprising part was that VW had designed air cooled 6 cylinder engine to 412. Because it was found to be too expensive, they didnĀ“t start the production.
Oettinger bought that design and the 6 cylinder wbx is based on that prototype.