license plate light

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Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2004 2:08 pm

license plate light

Post by albert »

if , some of you want to buy ,,the new ,,license plate light ,, the possibility is 2 model in stock,,they are made by ,,hella,,, china usine,,one is for vw jetta 1985 or appx,,, pn. 165-943-021B,, she is li.grey,,,for appx.7.$ and one is for audi 85 to 92,,the pn. is 4c5-945-695 A in black,,for 22.$ i never know the black color is so expensive,, they are the same except the color,, this 2 model are the exact model with the 412 wagon,, the contact too,,, and the screws place and dimention,, i know this hella china usine has in stok 1000,, the original on the 412 is clear,, we can just remoove the paint with paint reemoover ,, i have the jetta model on my 412 and one set audi for my spare set,, albert
Posts: 834
Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2004 2:08 pm

license plate light

Post by albert »

oh,,i forget,, the hella,pn. for the 412 is 22863 R4 ,,, and for audi ,hella pn. 12988 R4 audi 100,, 69 to 92 ,,audi fox ,, 75-78 ,,albert
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