You will also need the centerlink and to make or buy a solid bronze idler arm bushing. If not it will just trash all the other parts on the list.
If its a are in good luck that you can use the late model assymettrical bolt pattern bushing and bearing they are still available for relatively cheap and are much better.
The struts cartridges ...Iwould skip any original equipment that you find NOS. All companies quit maing them around 1989-1991. That means anything you find will be that old, have a short life and have the same valving problems the stock ones had.
Have an adaptor made...I can e-mail you the dimensions and drawing...and then use audi 4000/VW quantum low pressure gas cartridges. They are about a 200% handling and ride upgrade and will slightly lower the front end...properly.
How was your front end lowered? If they cut the springs...find some new ones in the junk yard.
The centerlink had a defect in it. In wet areas the life span may be 3-5 years due to the bsuhing material (6/6 nylon). They cost too much to buy. I can tell you how to rebuild youre better than factory for about $20 in parts and 3 hours labor. It will be all bronze and steel after that.
Do a search on the bronze bushing for the idler arm. Several people have made one . I also have the dimensions if you need it.
Hold on for the radius arm donuts and the centering rings that go under them. In a month I will have a better solution for cheap....but basically I made the ones I have. DO NOT use urethane. The durometer would have to be custom or a lareg bump will break the mounting point. It cannot be over 60 duro.
The control arm bushings are best to be made in two pieces from delrin with a s steel bushing in the center. They are pretty inexpensive.
You will need to clean out the steering gear box and install a new seal. Pump if full of syntex superlube clear teflon lube and put a new bottom seal in it.
The bottom seal is longer available. But you can get one that is about 2mm smaller OD...if memory serves...and epoxy it in no problems.
Skip the brake line rubber hoses and get teflon/stainless. Same preice. Do the same for the rear. I beleive the rear are the same part number as for a late bus.
Skip turning the rotors. They are too thinwith normal wear to handle the heat. They don't have enough thickness to shed it.
You can get NEW zimmerman rotors at for a decent price. Excellent quality German rotors.
You can also get good rotors from ESP brake in Dallas Texas 214-748-6386. Tell them I referreed you and that you need good quality rotors and very good quality brake pads to match. This guy used to work for a major friction material manufacturer and know the friction codes by heart. He will set you up.
Do not EVER use an organic pad. Only semi-metallic or full metallic. No 411/412 ever came with an organic pad. They will burn off in a day and ruin the rotors. Isay this because many discount auto parts places only list an organic pad.
There are many other sources for good brake parts. These are the same rotors, calipers and pads that went on 914 Porsche. Make sure you have teh correct chassis number. There is an early and late starting in August of 1972.
Get REALLY good quality wheel bearings. No chninese stuff. They won't last a month in the non-vented rotors. Ray