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Help: Alternator troubles. Regulator?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:47 pm
by SureFit Travis
Okay, I leave in a couple of days for the Great Canadian VW show. I pulled my car out from behind my travel trailer to load it up on my car trailer, and I had no idiot light for the Alternator when I turned the key on. When I started the car, the light was on steady. Higher RPM's did not make it go out (not a loose belt).

Where is the regulator in the 2-door 412? Is it the box mounted below my air cleaner assembly? How would I check it? The manuals I have do not go into detail. How should I check the alternator? I don't think my electrical rebuilder buddy will have time to check these things for me over the next two days.

I'm tired, my wife is in the hospital, and sadly I am seeking the cut-to-the-chase instructions of how/where/what to check.

Help :shock:


Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:35 am
by Lars S
The regulator is right below the air cleaner, yes. Trying to remember where I saw a step-by-step guide for fault finding on these things...

Sometimes the brushes just hangs/stucks a bit, if you are lucky they will release by knocking at the generator with a hammer and a screwdriver (not to hard!) while engine is running.

Lars s

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:10 am
by raygreenwood
Yes. Right rear side of car attached to the bracket/shelf that the air cleaner sits on.
You also need to check the gorund braid to the battery, and all of the red wires under the seat that attache to the positive side.

Check the entire grounding systme from end to end. You also have a black, blue and a gray wire that comre from the regulator and attache to the harness via T-1 connectors right by the regulator. Make sure none of those have come loose.

Make sure what regulator part # you have. There were three. Ray

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:47 am
by Lars S
Was the charging OK last when you left the car? How long has it been resting?


Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:47 am
by SureFit Travis
Thanks guys,

Bill K. sent me a link via e-mail last night to some pages on Ratwell's site with a good run-through on how to test/check both the regulator and the alternator. I don't know why I always forget to check Ratwell's pages.

I have the regulator in my hand at the moment (and still typing too.....talented, eh? :lol: ), and it was made in Brazil (Ind. Brasileria), with a Bosch number 0 190 601 006. I'm going to check it over today; my multi-meter was at the shop.

The charging system worked fine the last time I ran the car, which was less than a week ago......I had the whole intake system off while I re-cleaned & resealed the whole works. After I was done reassembling, I did fire it up to check the idle level, and it seemed fine at that point. I tried looking for obvious wire connectors that I might have bumped loose, but all seems well.

I am hoping that it's just a brush in the alternator that is hanging up like you suggested, Lars....praying for the simple cause. But, my question is whether the idiot light in the gauge would light up, or not light up in this condition when the key is initially turned on?

I'll just have to run through the checks today, and hope that I can find a regulator locally if needed. Bill K. tells me he will bring a spare with him to the show this weekend.

Thanks again, Ray and Lars.


Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:20 am
by Lars S
Yes, the red light should go on even if the brushes are stuck, since the lamp circuit is:
+12V (fed over ignition key) through the lamp to D+ at the altornator and through the stator windings to the ground. When the alternator starts to load the D+ gets the same voltage as the +12V ignition feed and the lamp goes off.

Found a 914 alternator article here: ... eshoot.htm

Hoping for your success

Lars s

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:42 pm
by SureFit Travis
Moderator: please delete this thread, for I have sinned........It has been too long since my last look at my fuse block. :oops:

Yep.....after removing my alternator and having my buddy test it on his Sun machine (it peaked out at about 62 amps), and buying/testing a new regulator, all was fine! Even my old regulator was fine!

So, after re-assembling everything, I took one more look at the fuse block, and #11 was blown. I did not see this last night, even though I did check fuses, and replaced another one. I think that even the fuse for the back-up lights (beside the ignition coil) was blown......and the backup lights is also on the same circuit (#11).

So, I guess I was just over-tired, and had other things on my mind :roll: I am truly embarrased, and request that this thread be Not going to do it? :lol:

After all of this mess, I did notice that the main lead going into the alternator looked a little gross.....and the boot was burnt/ripped/melted, and it looks like it had arced to the back cover of the I tuned up that situation while I was in there.

Thanks for your help, guys, your info was helpful.


Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:55 pm
by raykinsella
Hey Travis,

My 411 displayed the same problem a couple of years ago. All I had to do was tap on the regulator with a small hammer, and - voila! - the idiot light went out. But I took the situation to be a hint that the regulator was on its last legs, so I eventually replaced it.

By the way, did you write that you are TRAILERING your 412 to the show?!?
Isn't it up for the drive?

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:47 pm
by Lars S
Never mind Travis, the important thing is that your 412 is now ready for the show!

Lars S

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:52 pm
by SureFit Travis
Hey guys,

Yes, she's ready for the show, and yes, I am trailering it (even bought a new trailer less than a week ago to do the job!). I'm still experiencing some fuel consumption issues, as I haven't had much time to do a few last things, so until I finally have them worked out, I won't be doing any long-distance travelling. Now.....I'm not saying my car is definate show-quality, but rather I'd say it's in pretty good condition for a used car of it's age. It's no prize, but still a rare car. I just thought it would be great to have a small gathering of them at the show for a change.

Are you able to make the show, Kirk? It would be great if you could. I was even thinking of coming your way on Saturday to meet you and check out your collection, but plans have changed due to a family matter and I will not have the time to make the trip.

Do you still have the yellow 411 wagon, and if so, do you still drive it? I'd love to check that car out. I had a '71 411 wagon with the 4-speed transmission when I was 19, and it was a great car. Yeah, it was a bit nerdy for a young guy, but it was such a useful car being the wagon and all.

I picked up a regulator from a local parts supplier for $15, and I'm almost afraid to even use it. I think it is a Wilson brand. I think I'll pick myself up a new Bosch unit, and tuck it away.

Anyhow, I hope to see you at the show. I will P.M. you my cell number, so give me a holler if you don't think you're going to make it. I asked one of the show coordinators about the class we need to register in....and it will be the type-3 class. He did tell me that they may create a type-4 class on Sunday if enough cars show up.


Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:22 am
by raykinsella
Yeah, I saw on the show website that there is no type3/type4 class like there is at most other shows, only type 3, which is incentive enough for me to get up there with all three of mine so we can have a type 4 section all to ourselves.
I, too, have a "family matter" that may keep me home this weekend. My wife's father, the grand old patriarch of the family, is, alas, on his last legs in a hospice, and will be departing any moment. If it looks like he'll make it through the weekend I will zip up there On Sunday morning, looking to arrive by 9-10 am.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:02 pm
by SureFit Travis
Well, after breaking a load strap (held my car down to the trailer) about half-way down for the trip, and getting a flat tire with my truck, I have made the 500 mile trip for the car show.

However.....I keep blowing #11 and #8 fuses. I have no fuel gauge, & no turn/hazard signals.....and of course the Alternator light is on steady. I've left my car on the trailer until show day (sunday).

Driving me nuts!


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:56 pm
by SureFit Travis
Turns out my problem is with my right-side turn signal. I did some poking around on Saturday night in the hotel parking lot and narrowed it down to that circuit. I popped a fuse back in, and opted to not use my right turn, that's a hard habit to break. Now that I am home again, I will be hunting down the actual cause.

Thanks for your suggestions, guys.
