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Wheel won't turn...rusty shoes???

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:00 pm
by CapnDavy
I drove thru some waterfilled holes on a sandy road exactly 7 days ago. Noticed the brakes had lost effectiveness on the drive home. On my return I tucked it into the garage. I don't remember if I left the parking brake set or not.
Now, 7 days later the left rear wheel will not turn. Could the shoes be rusted tight after only 7 days?
I made a burned rubber smell trying to get the car to move with my poor clutch.

I HOPE the problem is a frozen brake shoe/shoes and not something worse. Maybe a drive train issue??? I have the rear jacked up but the left rear wheel seems frozen tight. I thought about pulling the car out of the garage with a chain and another car, trying to break the shoes free, but that seems extreme. Might bend the bumper. I whacked the drum a few times with a rubber hammer to no effect.

1- How do I get the brake drum off? It seems frozen tight. I have not tried to loosen the shoes yet. I have not tried anything else. Except write this message.
2- If the problem isn't my brakes what might it be? The right rear wheel turns ok...
3- the parking brake cables seem to move ok, looking at them from the handle end, but who knows what's happening at the other end, inside the brake drum?
4- I must move this car. Help help help.

Thanks all

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:24 pm
by Piledriver
I got a car really cheap due to this...
The look on the sellers face when I drove away:
Priceless. :twisted:

I have parked at the airport for a week and had the same issue.
(Parking brake was set) I was in PDX at the time, so there probably was water involved...

5K clutch drop usually does the trick.
Sometimes it helps to rock it gently in 1st/reverse for awhile.

DO NOT do the clutch drop trick in reverse, can bugger the trans.

Make sure to release the parking brake if set :lol:

If that doesn't work, time to get out a torch with a rosebud tip and heat things up first, wheel off...
I suppose even a 500W halogen lamp very close to the drum(wheel off) might help given time.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:36 am
by CapnDavy
Piledriver wrote: 5K clutch drop usually does the trick.
Sometimes it helps to rock it gently in 1st/reverse for awhile.

DO NOT do the clutch drop trick in reverse, can bugger the trans.
I assume the 5K clutch drop trick means rev the engine up, then pop the clutch??

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:45 am
by Piledriver
Yes, but NOT in reverse. May nuke the tranny.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:02 pm
by CapnDavy
Thanks EVERYONE...!
I broke it free using liquid wrench, turning the left star wheel, the right one will NOT turn, and whacking the drum with a log splitter a few times, left and right.

I will be pulling the drum when my torque meister arrives from CIP1.

Tonight I will be sleeping lots better.
Thanks again :) :D :lol: