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New Build with AA piston set

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:15 pm
by christo
This is only my 2nd post here and since my 1st post did not receive any reply's i am hoping this will.

1979 GE case
stock 71mm crank
stock rods
CB Cam&Lifters #2202 410 lift 278 duration
modified type 1 oil pump (that fits the pump bore.
AA 94mm flat top pistons
my 1.8 heads i saved for the last 25 yr's.
now 42x36 valves
chambers are 55ml.
deck is .046 plus 10ml.
So my specs are close to 7.6 for compression

Will this be a good bus engine?
94x71 65ml chambers and deck volume

with italian 40 mmm webers and single vac dist.

I would love some feedback. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:15 pm
by fusername
sounds like agood engine so far. got an exhaust in mind?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:41 pm
by Piledriver
Welcome to the forums, not sure how we missed the post, we usually try hard to welcome new folk.

Sounds like a reasonable setup.

Please read through the stickies: A LOT of good tech info there, build tips/gotchas. (pack food for a few days though unless you read really, really fast) :lol:

This says the resulting static CR will be 7.738:1, I don't have the cam timing available, but a stocker gives ~6.9:1 dynamic with that, so you are in the ballpark.

I'd check the case for deck and have it shaved if needed to get .040 deck, but ONLY do it IF it needs decked.
(A LOT of cases need decked, and most folks don't or can't check it, esp true for late cases from Bus)

Done right, they will reference it vs the crank centerline, off a line bore setup or similar tool for the job. (Only folks who work on T4s will be able to do it right at a reasonable price)

Make sure all your rods and crank throws are the same length before cutting... and NO head gaskets. Nononoooonono.

Rimco used to sell a set of "super" rods for ~$100 +core, came w/CARR bolts, balanced etc. Worth it.

When you replace your oil passage plugs, do ALL of them.
I had to pull one I usually skip on a case the other day and found a big wad of dead oil filter in there---on top of the oil relief, where it was still blocking flow, wonder what killed that core, eh?

Also note HOW the oil pump fits the case (should be a .003-005 crush fit or thereabouts, NOT slide in/out), and the pump end play should be <.005" when it's all together and torqued.


Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:07 pm
by christo
PiledriverThanks for the reply.
I had sold the 2.0 (stock engine from my bus (1972) that i put in with 18k on it from a 78.So it was time to build another to replace the CB engine that also had been in my bus.

The case decks were very close so, a couple of rod and cylinder swaps put me pretty close. #1 cly was .043 #2 was .041 #3 .043 #4 was .046.

the cam specs:
intake open:35
closes: 63
exhaust open: 69
closes 29

all (5 ) galley plugs done

conn rods have been oil grooved
and all parts sent to rimco for balancing

the oil pump was the hardest to deal with since Jake Raby pulled all the crappy ones.
I waited 4 weeks for one from and it too is a drop in along with the crappy taiwan pump cover.
stock pump body is 70.07mm
schadek 26mm pump is 69.90mm

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:45 pm
by Pillow
Sounds like a great build up to me!

Just do not skimp on the exhaust. It can be a real power robber in some of the setups.

my Build

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:07 pm
by christo
Well, i did finally get my bus back on the road after the headache with the oil pump.and yes it's a Berg 26mm non-oringed hardened pump.
The problem with fitting the o-ringed one in a type 4 engine is,the oring is too deep on the pump body

The engine producing good power thru the ranges and with the 091 gear box has great top end with 195x15 tire/wheel combo.

the exhaust is one of the last from S&S that i have had for 2+ years sitting on the shelf.
I will end up taking the muffler to a shop and having it reproduced since they never last long anyway.

1972 kombi with 74 westy interior that i have owned since 1973 :wink:
and yes, i'm an old dude.. R.I.P. Karl 1949-2009

Re: New Build with AA piston set

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 5:31 pm
by christo
Back from the past.I cannot believe it has been this long since i updated my engine build.
but i do have good results with it.And some may wonder about the AA flat top pistons as i had a hell of a time coming up with a good compression ratio with the large combustion chambers on the 1.8 heads.

I have 11k. miles on it now and am pleased with normal oil consumption and fairly good mileage and also good head temps.
This has been the most i have driven my bus since 1990 :lol:

i even went to see Adrian last year to show him how great my combo turned out.

Re: New Build with AA piston set

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:17 pm
by perrib
Glad to hear it turned out well.