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Hey all, new westy owner in Savannah, GA

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:25 pm
by usasoc
reposted from the VW newbie section, I figured i'd get more input on my plans here in the bus section

Hey guys, My names Matt and i'm a 19 year old college student going to school full time for IT( with some computer engineering) and business, as well as working in the IT industry full time as well. I work in Savannah in IT support for Gulfstream Aerospace ( we make the most badass business jets ever to exist, our newest one, the G650's got a 70ish million price tag for a basic aircraft just to give you a background).

I bought a 1971 westy bus from a buddy for $1500 bucks about a month back. It's got a refreshed motor (about 10K ago, new clutch, pressure plate, rubber hoses and electrical connections, new electric ignition). Everything electrial works properly. He's a VW nut whos got 10ish old VW's bugs and busses. Anywho this is my first one. I'm just another gearhead looking to get involved with the online forums, I know its a huge info source with more than I ever want to know about my bus. I've got a 99 Trans Am WS.6 six-speed thats about 360 RWHP. It's a solid 12 second car. Enough about that, on to the bus!

What I know about it so far: motors a standard 1600 out of a late 70s bug. It's been taken apart to bare bones and reassembled with new rings and rod bearings. Most of everything else was just cleaned up and put back together. It runs great. It has the 091 (someone correct me if i'm wrong please) transmission (6-rib i was told) out of a late 70's VW.

The body is pretty solid, most of the rust spots are pretty shallow surface stuff. There's a few spots that are rusted all the way through right behind the rear wheels and where the bottom of the windshield meets body, a few random floor spots in addition to a orange sized spot thats barely eaten through below the right tail-light. All of that will be replaced with sheet metal. I'm trying to stay as far from bondo as I can.

From what i've read and seen I know its a Westfalia camper. It's got the rock and roll bed but nothing really else.

Enough of me writing a book here. I've been daily driving it for the past few weeks with no issues at all. I also took about a 800 mile road trip across the state with no issues whatsoever. I've been having so much fun driving something with 60ish BHP is kind of odd. I'm used to 400 BHP .

My plans for it are to slowly restore it to as best as my funds allow. I'm 19 going to both work and school full time so we'll see how that works.

Plans: Media blast the body. Sheet metal work. Paint (kandy red bottom, barely off white top). Interior won't be too flashy, just simple and elegant as possible. I've got a family friend who's a master upholsterer at work as well who's going to do all my interior work for me. It will use the same craftsmanship and materials as a 70 million dollar aircraft so i'm pretty excited about that. It the seats, bed cushions, interior panels will be covered in beige leather. I want to do wood grain accents throughout, with hardwood floors ( i used to be a tile/ hardwood guy in for extremely upscale homes. I want to redo all the chrome accents on the outside. Basically just make it look brand new again, but with an upscale touch. I've got a pretty nasty audio system sitting in my garage that will be going in ( infinity kappa series components, sony HU and some other goodies). I also want to find/build some nice surfboard racks for the roof that somehow combine the chrome and natural stained wood look. I want to keep as many original components as possible, not because i'm a purist or anything ( i'll frankenstein anything as long as it works and looks good) but I just like simple.

Once that gets done ( probably around feb/march of 2011) i've been looking into different motor swaps. I've read a bit about the subaru and porsche engine conversions. This will be a clean cruiser-road tripper, not a hotrod whatsoever ( heads and cam are going in the WS.6 with some other goodies, can anyone say 500 RWHP . However, I'd like to cruise down the interstate at 80 without any issues. I'll also be looking into a drag trans with porsche axles, girthy sway bars and all that good stuff. Like I said it won't be a hotrod, I just like making stuff bulletproof.

I'm here to learn all I can about my new baby and maybe give some wisdom out once i get it myself! I'm not new the auto forums so I know, i the stickys, use the search blah blah blah, I got it haha

If anyone has any suggestions or comments (things i don't know about my bus) i'd love to hear them. If for some reason anyone has a 4th gen F-body question (probably not to many of those here), id love to help you out. I'm looking forward to getting to know the regulars here and gaining a bit of wisdom, and some bullshittin here and there too

Okay i'm done typing now, i promise. thanks and thats all folks!

Re: Hey all, new westy owner in Savannah, GA

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:59 pm
by ajdenette
It looks as thoug by the rubber floor with the middle seat mount cut outs it strted life as a plane jane 7 passy that some one put a late (74 ish and later) rock and roll bed in ad the crank out windows. good stat to a custom camer though :wink:

Re: Hey all, new westy owner in Savannah, GA

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:02 pm
by Sneaks
I agree, looks like a custom modified but, hey, who cares? It's yours and that is all that matters. You've come to the right place for good, non-bashing info.