Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

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Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by VWguyBruce »

Hey All,

I've been posting some over on The Samba but thought I'd put a post up here for those that don't cross-pollinate :wink: Plans are to build a Ghia that can autocross, drag race and look good doing it for under $2011(preferably under a grand!) So, if anyone is interested in watching my cheapskate shenanigans please tune in.

For those unfamiliar with the Challenge: ... nge/rules/

Getting back into the air-cooled game after about a ten year break. Been playing with A2 water-cooled cars and BMW's. I just sold the 86 GLi I built for the $2009 GRM Challenge, took another Jetta in $2006. The most recent car nearly killed me on 3 different occasions so before it got another chance, it was time to make a change.

I've seen a Beetle here and there at the Challenge over the years but none that really wowed me or placed very high. So, I've decided to remedy that and build a proper air-cooled Beetle. Going back to my roots.

I've owned several '69 Beetles, even took one to Germany with me. Squareback, 66 Sunroof Beetle, bay window Bus, late 70's Bus, a few Rabbits, B4 & B5 Passats, A1 Scirroco, a few A2 Jettas. That's just the VW's. I was active on the VintagVW List back in the mid to late 90's. I've been on and off The Samba and Shop Talk Forums for years also.

We ended up with a crusty '67 Ghia Coupe a couple months ago for $500 and have been compiling parts get it moving again. Tub is clean minus some very small holes around the pedal assembly. Rockers are chewed up. Gonna have to make it a safe, reliable driver/rat rod since Ghia panels are silly expensive. I've bookmarked all FJCamper's threads and exchanged some emails with him. Pland are starting to come together and the real work is getting ready to start. After a good deal on a nice stash of parts a couple weeks back, I've got just about everything to get it back on the road. I'll post more later as this first post is getting rather long winded :roll:










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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by superstar »

keep the progress report and pictures coming.
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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by VWguyBruce »

Hope to get the front end off this weekend to get the adjusters installed. Fingers crossed.

Here's the graphic scheme we're going after, will apply vinyl over light gray Rustoleum roller job. I'm also thinking about putting a big German eagle on the hood, think Smoky and The Bandit Trans Am.

I'm also on the hunt for some used pistons/cylinders and a pair of dual carbs if you guys have lead on something. Not looking for free(I do have actual currency) but cheaper the better.



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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by VWguyBruce »

I spent a bunch of money at Peak Performance on Friday. Got everything to put the car together, suspension, brakes, motor. Front end to come off next.

I thought I had too many rusty parts to not have a blast cabinet. My buddy gave me all the bits of a DIY Skat Blast cabinet and I decided to put it together. I used plans from the web. I think it's big enough to get a Ghia door in there. :mrgreen: I was able to get the face on and the glass in but only had these pics on my phone, thought I'd post them up anyway. I'll get some good pics up once it's finished.


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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by FJCamper »


Hi Bruce,

Your Ghia looks like it's going to become one of those loud, fast, racy car types that dare take on "real" sports cars and means to win. You just don't know your humble VW place.

Welcome to the club.

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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by VWguyBruce »

Hahaha, maybe so FJC. I just hope to actually drive it soon. Too much planning these days and not enough action! I think I might just throw my SP motor into it, install the shocks/bars, put the windshield in and go autocrossing on the 26th of April.

In other news, I now have two new team members:

Jeff Lain from The Kaddie Shack is offering their expertise and a few parts, including Jeff's rebushed throttle bodies, to get my Kadrons up to snuff.

Rich Sedoris will be going through some DP heads and adding some tricks to make more power. You can see his handiwork here: ... id=1109308 and here:

I contacted these guys about the Challenge Ghia and both are pretty excited to be in on the project. Both guys seem to be grassroots type VW guys looking to expand their business. Their knowledge has been invaluable during the planning stage. It's great to have them on the team.

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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by FJCamper »


Hi Bruce,

Be sure to mention to Jeff that you know me and us here at RetroRacing. We ran a set of Jeff's carbs at Road Atlanta in December.

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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by VWguyBruce »

I remembered you mentioning Jeff and the Kaddie Shack in one of your emails awhile back. I did mention that in my initial email to Jeff so I hope he got the impression that you were spreading the word.
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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by VWguyBruce »

I finally started working on the car this weekend. I had been soaking every nut, bolt, screw and bleeder over the last couple months with PB Blaster. It worked. Nothing broke. Took the z bar off, bleeders out, front pads out, front shocks off(didnt have rears) and rear brake hoses. Felt good to finally get something done on the car.

I'll need new front pads as they were paper thin. Front hoses need changing too and I found the hard line that goes tothe right rear was missing. Thankfully brakes don't count against the budget.

The z bar is good for parts if anyone needs anything or the whole thing. Mounting brackets, bushings and all hardware are available. I'll be using a camber compensator. The drivers side is rusted up and the bottom mounting nut has sheared off in the past, the rest looks great.
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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by VWguyBruce »

I was just going through the parts lot I picked up awhile back and was going to cannibalize some bleeders off the pair I had on the shelf. These calipers have two bleeders each. Any functional difference in these and the single bleeder calipers currently on the car

Closer inspection of the dual bleeder calipers reveals they're different calipers. Both have double retaining pins and both are ATE. The smaller of the two has VW 6 cast into it and the pad looks to be Ghia sized the other has VW 110 cast into and has a bigger pad A7 sized. Maybe the bigger one is a T3?

Answer is here about halfway down the page where brake discussion starts. ... 9&start=15
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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by FJCamper »


Hi VWGuyBruce,

Get four 3/8" steel U-bolts, and make the plate as shown. The hole in the center locates the plate to the camber compensator pad nut.

Use nylon locking nuts. Tighten them down to the point of allowing some slip between the U-bolts and axles housings to accomodate up/down slide movement.

You'll find that the Sway-a-Way compensator is a perfect fit for this, as long as you cut off the Z-bar brackets.

This cheap and effective mod gives you axle control up and down.

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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by VWguyBruce »

Thanks for another easy idea. :mrgreen: I had something similar in mind but the u-bolts is much simpler. My Z bar brackets just unbolted. Not sure if they were all that way.
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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by FJCamper »

Special note--

Size the hole in the center of the plate (1/8" steel) so that it just fits over the camber compensator pad nut. It's a floating fit. You don't have to unbolt the pad.

I used snazzy stainless steel U-bolts from Lowes hardware store.

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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by VWguyBruce »

Hey Guys,

Will a 20" hard line be long enough for the right rear brake line that goes over the transmission? Parts store had that and a 36".

Answer for this turned out to be no. You need at least a 24" line to make it over the transmission.
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Re: Grassroots Motorsports $201X Challenge Build

Post by VWguyBruce »

Work on the Ghia has been sporadic at best. I've been trying to focus on brakes and every task has presented a challenge in one way or another. By the time I'm finished, the braking system will be almost completely new. I should've figured.

Had to switch to the later double pin calipers as finding single pin caliper brake pads was proving difficult. No big deal as brakes aren't charged to the budget. So, I have a pair of single pin calipers for sale if anyone wants to buy them.

Picture below is a nice little nest of crap that was under/around the pedal assembly when I pulled it out. Accelerator arm pivot was frozen, clutch pedal was stiff in one spot and brake pedal didn't return on it's own. When I pulled the pedal assembly out the brake pedal return spring broke of course. You'll also notice the hardline to the rear of the car is something of a roadside patch job. I've got new a new hard line to patch in and repair it properly. Several pin holes around the floorboard in proximity to the pedal assembly, will treat rust and fiberglass to keep water out.


Anyone who has fought a pedal assembly and won without breaking anything will appreciate the photo of the disassembled pieces. I did crack one weld on the clutch pedal but I'll take that any day. Brake pedal is a bit loose so I may change out those brass bushings in there, not sure it's loose enough to worry about it on this project.

VWguyBruce on the Web
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1986 Jetta GLi - Sold
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