Exhaust Leak

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Exhaust Leak

Post by cowskey »

!973 Westfalia, type 4 engine. Both heater boxes and muffler were shot so I replaced the heater boxes and muffler. When I started the engine, I had a terrible exhaust leak from one of the exhaust tubes that goes into the head. I removed the exhaust and the one heater box and refitted it 3 times and it still leaks. Does anyone have a suggestion on what I can do next?
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Re: Exhaust Leak

Post by sideshow »

What do your copper gaskets look like? You should be able to get a good idea of where it is leaking by the lack of crush or carbon trace.

The normal fix is use a long flat file and make sure the heater box ends are flat. Also any material one takes off the pipe end you need to clearance the boss that the stud passes through.
Yeah some may call it overkill, but you can't have too much overkill.
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