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Is this a Porsche engine?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:10 pm
by craigvwdude
got this engine given to me today, but don't know what it came out of. Porsche maybe?
What's your thoughts?
(sorry, not good at posting pics!) :)

Re: Is this a Porsche engine?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:11 pm
by supaninja
pic would help

Re: Is this a Porsche engine?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:13 pm
by craigvwdude
Sorry! Just added the link

Re: Is this a Porsche engine?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:35 pm
by Piledriver
Vertical TB
The intake manifolds at the heads have 3 bolts
Plug angle--- T1-ish, not almost straight up.

3 for 3, Niiiice Score for free.

2L 914 Porsche motor, complete.

The series/serial # on the block by the breather chimney may say a bit more.

Warning: May have original sodium cooled ex valves.

Re: Is this a Porsche engine?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:48 pm
by craigvwdude
Thanks Pile!
Ya, can't see the numbers due to a little excess grime and dirt. :)
I wasn't sure due to the cooling tin. I'm not familiar with Porsches at all.
More than likely i'll strip off all the tin and use it for a upright conversion!

Re: Is this a Porsche engine?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:59 pm
by craigvwdude
One thing that really threw me was that the exhaust manifolds exit to the side. I didn't know if that was a 914 or a 912 thing ?

Re: Is this a Porsche engine?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:00 pm
by Piledriver
craigvwdude wrote:One thing that really threw me was that the exhaust manifolds exit to the side. I didn't know if that was a 914 or a 912 thing ?

Good point.

Now that I can see it (properly) from home, it almost certainly is a 912E motor.
The rounded outer corner on the tin by the alt is not 914 style, the other side looks like it might be rounded as well.
(kinda glanced at it and posted as I hit the door at work)

Mind, under the tin it's the identical motor in every way, but the exhaust manifold//HX might be a lot more usable.
Or valuable... Hmmm....Do Not Throw Away Or Cut Up That Engine Tin or HX

Might pay for a DTM kit or to have the heads reworked properly.

Re: Is this a Porsche engine?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:26 pm
by craigvwdude
the other corner is rounded also. And no, I won't cut up this tin for a Cali conversion. I hoping I can find someone that can put it to good use. But I am going to strip off the injection, , alt, fan shroud, ect.
It will most likely get turned into a Cali conversion for my 67' bug that i'm building.
Also someone has converted the dizzy to a Pertronix, added a deep sump, and had the sandwhich filter adapter to run an external cooler. I'm dying to dig into it and see what's inside! :twisted:
Here's another link to it.

Re: Is this a Porsche engine?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:41 pm
by Piledriver
Nice, iIRC that will essentially fall into a <=89 911... have the rear bar?

911s cost a lot to own, if the owners are not their own mechanics.

This would be a quick, low maintenance aircooled cure wrapped around a 2270+.
(911s with blown motors can usually be had cheap, too)

Re: Is this a Porsche engine?

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:33 pm
by craigvwdude
Pulled the motor to a short block today. Heads have recently been gone through, recent p/c's, (can still see cross hatches in the cylnders) and cam/lifter look really good! Man I got lucky! (for once!)
Now all the fuel injection and cooling tin will go up for sale!

Re: Is this a Porsche engine?

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:18 am
by aircooledtechguy
That's a complete 912E motor w/ the factory L-jet injection and the air-pump.

Yeah, DON'T cut-up that engine tin. You think the mattress police are bad?? They send in the black helicopters if those get modified :lol: