I've been looking for a YOM (year of manufacture) plate for my VW...Finally found one in near perfect condition on Ebay...Won the auction.
Already contacted the Oklahoma tax Commission about using it...Such a simple process! Gave them the plate number, they cleared it for my use. The gentleman I spoke to, walked me to the form on their site so I could apply to make the plate mine...Hell, they even have a fillable form online...Filled it out, printed it out, gonna mail it as soon as the plate is in my hands.
Last edited by Bobs68VW on Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bobs68VW wrote: I've been looking for a YOM (year of manufacture) plate for my VW...Finally found one in near perfect condition on Ebay...Won the auction.
Already contacted the Oklahoma tax Commission about using it...Such a simple process! Gave them the plate number, they cleared it for my use. The gentleman I spoke to, walked me to the form on their site so I could apply to make the plate mine...Hell, they even have a fallible form online...Filled it out, printed it out, gonna mail it as soon as the plate is in my hands.
I did the same thing , 1959 florida tag , sent it in to get checked and then it came back ready to use , 30 bucks for the tag and 80 get registerd .. sweet ...