Couple of problems

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Couple of problems

Post by crvc » ... 0a3768.jpg ... 4218c3.jpg

The fuel pump flange was busted and the bottom piece is stuck inside. Any special way to remove it? My plan was to chisel away at it.

Also, I rebuilt this engine three years ago. I always had problems with it overheating leading to vapor lock. Does this bearing look reusable?


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Re: Couple of problems

Post by Piledriver »

You could probably run a tap into it and pull or tap out the tap.
Safest way would be to tap it and run a bolt into it, and pull or drive out the bolt.

(Taps are really hard and dislike hammers)

Can't really see the bearing well enough to make the call, consider coating it?
How does the clearance check out?
Addendum to Newtons first law:
zero vehicles on jackstands, square gets a fresh 090 and 1911, cabby gets a blower.
EZ3.6 Vanagon after that.(mounted, needs everything finished) then Creamsicle.
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