Always, always, ALWAYS follow-up on leads!!!!!!

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Always, always, ALWAYS follow-up on leads!!!!!!

Post by aircooledtechguy »

Monday, I'm cleaning off a part of my desk here at the shop that has been a bit out of control for a while. :roll: I come across a note, written by me that stated, "Don, 911 motor & trans" with a phone number. It had to have been buried under that stack for at least 1.5-2 years. Not remembering getting it or if I called previously, I picked-up the phone and cold called, leaving an awkward message about finding the note etc.

The next day Don called back and said yeah, I still have the motor and trans available. Wincing a bit on my end since I know what they can cost, I asked how much he was asking for them. His reply was, "I'd say they've got to be worth at least $100 for the pair." :shock: :? :mrgreen:

Needless to say we met last night. I brought my friend and the crispiest $100 bill I could find. The motor is a 2.2L out of a '71 911T and is complete from the carbs to the heat exchangers. The carbs are 40mm Zeniths. The motor has been upgraded at some point with hyd chain tensioners and turbo valve covers. It's been sitting in his shop for over 20+ years.

The trans is an aluminum cased 901 and by the s/n it's out of a '71 911E or S model.

The trans is going to end-up in my '66 E-Z Camper. If there is a car that NEEDS a 5-speed, it's that one!! The motor,. . . I don't know yet. I have a '65 Notch "S" that I've been dying to cut-up and re-motor into a race car so I'll have to mull that one over. :twisted: First it'll have to be rebuilt which is no cheap prospect, but time is on my side.

Here's what following-up, some luck and $100 can still get you in this economy: 8)

Steve Arndt
Posts: 7419
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Re: Always, always, ALWAYS follow-up on leads!!!!!!

Post by Steve Arndt »

Wow. I just sold a fan/ring/alt off a 71 for 400 bucks alone.
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