T3 side mount antenna?

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T3 side mount antenna?

Post by Piledriver »

My square has a 2-point side mount antenna on the passenger side, screws into the A-pillar.
The original is long past its use by date (plastic has deteriorated), but I have had zero luck finding a direct replacement.

The width of the base is ~17mm or less, and has a little arm that comes forward and in for the second support about 14" up.

Does anyone know if the ones they sell for early T1s are usable in that location? Too wide?

I guess I could just weld it up and stick one in the front fender.
Addendum to Newtons first law:
zero vehicles on jackstands, square gets a fresh 090 and 1911, cabby gets a blower.
EZ3.6 Vanagon after that.(mounted, needs everything finished) then Creamsicle.
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Re: T3 side mount antenna?

Post by Marc »

As a rule, antennae were dealer-installed. Most came from a few popular suppliers, but nearly anything's possible. Post a photo, please.
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