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measurements on a sidecover

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:53 am
by Mathias
need measurements on a transaxel sideplate.

I got a "HEAVY DUTY IRS SIDE COVER FOR IRS" on my 1975 transaxel. (one of these: ... C10%2D4739 )

As i got oilcooler and other stuff in the way I can measure my own. I need the measurments marked in green and red on this pic.

Re: measurements on a sidecover

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:32 am
by Bruce2
green: center-center = 59.1mm Measured 4 different stock side covers.

The aftermarket thick side cover I have is different than yours, however, it is 225mm OD.

Re: measurements on a sidecover

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:52 pm
by P_Vilefort
A type 1 wasn't the only transaxle to have this side cover. ALL of the later transaxles have this type of side cover including the buses (type 2) and the Vanagon. So if the aftermarket cover is too large for your transaxle it is probably for one of the bus bodied vehicles.