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\"Who\'ll stop the rain...\"

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2001 2:29 am
by Todd
Have a 70 Ghia Vert. Put in new window seals and like everything I've ever gotten for the car - they ALMOST fit. Any tips on keeping the water out for the upcomming wet european winter?!

Todd Johnston
Pisa, Italy

\"Who\'ll stop the rain...\"

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 10:46 pm
by Bone
Squirt some silicone sealant inbetween the the car and your seals. That's what the window guy did for my car and I've had no leaks since. Make sure you use a healthy ammount and it's sandwitched between the rubber and the metal.

\"Who\'ll stop the rain...\"

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 7:19 am
by Travis
That will work fine for the rubber to metal places, but I have the feeling he's meaning that his rubber to the windows isn't sealing that well, don't think you want to put silicone there Image

The Story of a Ghia

\"Who\'ll stop the rain...\"

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 4:35 am
by oor wullie
maybe you can swap me it for my coupe and i'll keep the vert in the garage when it's raining!

\"Who\'ll stop the rain...\"

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 8:09 pm
by phrankentruk
Ha! I love that! "They almost fit." Ain't THAT the truth! Or, the parts that DO fit, fit "sort of."

Tracy's Ghia Page

\"Who\'ll stop the rain...\"

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 3:15 am
by Todd
Grazie Tutti,

Finally recieved my Black RTV Silicone Sealant. Between that and the 3M weatherstrip adheasive, we should be pretty leak proof before monsoon season (Nov - Apr) sets in....

Todd Johnston
Pisa, Italy