Marvel Mystery Oil

The VW Beetle. Everything about bugs!

Marvel Mystery Oil

Post by sveinbjorn »

When I moved into my new house, I found that the previous renter left behind a gallon of "Marvel Mystery Oil." Is this stuff good for anything in my Bug, or should I just take it to the recycler?
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Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2001 12:01 am

Marvel Mystery Oil

Post by ddonicht »

I've used it a couple of times in various cars. You are supposed to be able to use it as an oil additive and a gas additive to clean out the various parts of an engine. It seems to do as well as most anything else in the same price range. Since it has been around for so many years I highly doubt it could cause you any problems (unless of course you over do it).
Posts: 473
Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2000 12:01 am

Marvel Mystery Oil

Post by Tristessa »

Benefits from using Marvel Mystery Oil as an additive are, at this point in time, somewhat debatable, though some people swear by it.

In any case, ddonicht is right, as long as you don't go overboard, you're not going to *hurt* anything. Give it a try...

Marvel Mystery Oil

Post by bruce »

I know a guy who has a 97 Beetle that sits for weeks at a time without running. When he does start it, the hydraulic lifters wouldn't pump up right away. Since he started using Marvel Mystery Oil, he says his problems are almost gone. he loves that stuff.
Last week, after letting my 2001 Bug sit for two weeks, I had a lifter that took about 30 miles to pump up, and the whole while I was wondering where I could get some of that stuff.
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