
The VW Beetle. Everything about bugs!
Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Mar 06, 2001 12:01 am


Post by frwent »

I have a Harbor Freight sandblaster unit that I bought last spring at the Topeka store. I finally got it assembled and started to use it and it immediately clogged after about doing a square inch of VW rim. But a very good clean square inch. I am thinking of making a few modifications in the air feed system to this unit, changes in one of the air valve locations, but I was wondering if anyone here has used this or any similar sandblasting unit and has some gems of wisdom to share. My sand was dry and flowed into the tank very well but the temp was in the mid 30's here, damned winter just won't go away! Thanks in advance! Fred W.


Post by chuck »

What grit sand are you using. You need to use the finest stuff you can find. The heavy grit will totally clog up on you.
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