i want a ghia convertible really badly... but i know next to nothing about them... i want to find one with the 1600. i like to drive quickly, but i'm in college (read: poor) so i want more power out of it but can't spend gobs of cash. what are the common first mods, cheap mods to go quicker?
in search of a ghia convertible
i need a ghia convertible
i need a ghia convertible
I say for now just stick with a bug or bug cabriolet. 1. While they are not as sexy as a Ghia, they do have many advantages. Ghia body work and parts costs $$$$ and lots of of it. You aren't likely to find a ghia at a low price with a perfect body. Bugs are a lot cheeper. 2. They made more bugs than Ghias. 3. Bugs are Ghia compatable. You can by parts for a bug and most can transfer to a Ghia. Take it from me. I am a collage student with a 1959 Karmann Ghia Cabriolet. It is a constant headache moneywise.