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Setting deck height on 40hp?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 9:11 am
by Bill Richardson
Getting ready to start the assymbly of my 40hp and got to thinking about how to go about setting the deck height.

On a dual port one would use shims under the cylinders but how do you do it on a single port motor?

Have not cc'ed the heads yet but what is the suggested CR for a stock 40hp?

Setting deck height on 40hp?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 4:06 pm
by CptanPanic2
Why can't you still put shims under the cylinders on a single port motor?

Setting deck height on 40hp?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 7:16 pm
by Bill Richardson
I had heard that you can't use shims because there is no free play in the intake manifold like there is on a Dual Port.

When I think about it, not sure if the added width due to shims would be enough to worry about.

Setting deck height on 40hp?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 4:01 pm
by vwnate1
Cylinder base shims are the correct way to set deck height on the 40hp engine , getting hard to find , RIMCO will make them up for you any size you need . DON'T use paper base gaskets !

Properly set CR (6.5) in a 40hp will make it run like a raped ape and stay together too .

Have fun .

Filth & Greed Imports
(the LAST honest VWshop)

Setting deck height on 40hp?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2001 11:57 pm
by Bill Richardson

Glad to see a fellow VJMC member on here.