holley carb

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holley carb

Post by bigapl »

anyone ever use one on a 1600 sp good bad whatever need info might have found one gotta check part number it is a holley 2110
thanx all
oh yeah cleaned carb out and runs better yet still lean carb is off a 1200 and wont feed enough for a 1600
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holley carb

Post by Tristessa »

The 30PICT1 should still flow "enough" air for a 1600, though you may need to check the jetting. VW used the 30PICT series carbs all the way up until they switched to dual-port heads on the 1600...
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holley carb

Post by bartman »

the 2110 is the carb that the 'bug spray' was based on.there are two sizes.a 200 cfm list# r-6244 and a 300 cfm list# r-4691.
my holley book mentions using them on vw's but doesn't mention any problems while my 'how to hotrod vw engines' says that these carbs were extensively modified to work on vw's.bill fisher says,'old hotrodders may recognize the two carbs as being quite similar to those used on 1949-53 ford v-8 flat-head engines.they are *similar*,but the internal venting,passageways,etc.,were completely changed in a year-long program involving flow benches,road tests and dyno tests.'
if you get them to work please post your results.these things are cheap and i'd like to know if they still will work well.
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holley carb

Post by Y3K »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bigapl:
oh yeah cleaned carb out and runs better yet still lean carb is off a 1200 and wont feed enough for a 1600<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I only have data on the Solex 30 Pict 2 and 3 in my Auto Data Manual (UK):

Pict 2 (1300) Main jet 125, Slow running jet 55, Air correction jet 125 z

Pict 2 (1500) Main jet 120, Slow running jet 55, Air correction jet 125 z

Pict 3 (1600) Main jet 112.5, Slow running jet 55, Air correction jet 127 z or w

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holley carb

Post by clarkblumberg »

This is what I know about Holley Bugspray carbs. I have one that I am going to try on my 1641cc. The Holley model that was refered to that was not too great on VW's was the model 2100. If you have one of these it is easily recognizable by having only three bolt holes on the intake mounting flange(instead of 4). This carb was latter reworked and recalibrated by Holley in a long development program and then renamed the Bugspray, model 2110. Bill Fisher thought that this carb was great. His testing showed approx. 5 hp increase when using this carb on a 1500cc engine. It came in two sizes a 300 and 200 cfm. The 300 was part number A4691-2 and the 200 was number A6244-1. The p/n should be lightly cast on the fuel bowl just under the fuel input fitting. It usually has the word 'LIST' in front of it. The 200 has 15/16" venturies and the 300 are over an inch. These carbs work best on an independant ram tube manifold (ones that have two completely seperate tubes for each barrel) and not the plenum (has a mixing chamber below carb flange) type manifold. Rebuild kits are still available as well as carb jets. When using them on a dual port engines use some devcon to fill in the little cross over slot between the two ports on the dual port end castings. Also keep the manifold heat intact in order to make sure the fuel atomizes correctly and does not wash you cylinders. The 200 cfm is good for engines up to 1800cc. As near as I can tell the 200 cfm came stock with two 42 jets and the 300 came stock with two 59 jets. These were good with up to 1500 cc engines mildly tuned with a ram manifold. For extreme 1500's or mildly tuned engines using a plenum type manifold 48's and 64's were used, respectively. By my estimation a mildly tuned 1600 dual port motor would use the same. So I am thinking of starting with two 52 jets for use in my mildly tuned 1641 with the 200 Bugspray. If it was a 300 I would have used 70 jets. Also, if it has a lean spot on acceleration you can increase the size of idle feed restrictions by drilling. Check this out in the How to Hot Rod your VW engine Book...

[This message has been edited by clarkblumberg (edited 10-27-2001).]
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Re: holley carb


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Re: holley carb

Post by GonzoTex »

These were pretty good carbs back in the day, but from what I hear the throttle shafts get loose and develop vacuum leaks. You really need to be careful when you buy one. I wish someone would come out with a Bugspray copy but the demand just isn't there.I'm looking at the new Empi 38 egas that looks like a progressive but it is a 2 barrel that both work at the same time (like a Bugspray) and the price ain't bad. Just my .02 cents ...
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