Early rear drum brakes

The VW Beetle. Everything about bugs!
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Joined: Thu Mar 07, 2002 12:01 am

Early rear drum brakes

Post by M_Scott »

I have a 1955 Beetle, and I'm having a hard time finding replacement rear drums. Anybody know if later drums (58-65) can be modified to fit? or what the actual difference is?
Posts: 42
Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 12:01 am

Early rear drum brakes

Post by Draksia »

I remember an article in one of the vw mags where the did this. I think you have to trim the lip of but thats that. I will see if I can find the issue and get the exact details.

Early rear drum brakes

Post by MR_Scott »

Anybody know about these?
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