Quick question regarding hooking up a tachometer-can I pick up the negative lead for it from the coil's ignition power wire? I mean the black one that goes from the fuse block to - on the coil. Can I just put a jumper on it at the fuse block end and use that, or do I absolutely have to run a seperate wire for the tach?
1963 Beetle, 5 spokes, 1776, dropped spindles, etc...
1973 Standard Beetle, stock.
1968 Fastback, stock for now
tach hookup
tach hookup
If you mean the wire that the tacho uses to sense the engine speed, it will need to be connected to the terminal of the coil that goes to the points. It works by 'counting' the number of times the points open / close, so connecting it to a supply voltage will give no deflection of the needle as it will be a steady voltage.
This is why few Beetles have tachos!... sorry!
This is why few Beetles have tachos!... sorry!