tach hookup
Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 4:45 pm
Quick question regarding hooking up a tachometer-can I pick up the negative lead for it from the coil's ignition power wire? I mean the black one that goes from the fuse block to - on the coil. Can I just put a jumper on it at the fuse block end and use that, or do I absolutely have to run a seperate wire for the tach?
1963 Beetle, 5 spokes, 1776, dropped spindles, etc...
1973 Standard Beetle, stock.
1968 Fastback, stock for now
Quick question regarding hooking up a tachometer-can I pick up the negative lead for it from the coil's ignition power wire? I mean the black one that goes from the fuse block to - on the coil. Can I just put a jumper on it at the fuse block end and use that, or do I absolutely have to run a seperate wire for the tach?
1963 Beetle, 5 spokes, 1776, dropped spindles, etc...
1973 Standard Beetle, stock.
1968 Fastback, stock for now