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Alternator Q\'s??
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 12:48 pm
by super72
My dad and i just put on a new alt cause we thought the other one was messed up but it is doing the same thing. When the car is started it doesnt go past 12 on the voltmeter until it is reved to 2500-3000, then it is at 13-13.5 for good. Is this normal? Thanks, TJ.
Alternator Q\'s??
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 9:46 pm
by 69volkser
it might be. i have sort of the same peoblem with mine. the generator light stays on if i don't rev up my engine. once it hits 2000 or so it goes off. i don't know.
Alternator Q\'s??
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 10:15 pm
by Eaallred
It's normal. The alternator has to create an electrical field before it will start charging. Once the alt creates this field (mine does it at about 1200 rpm), it can slow down to a much lower rpm and still charge.
64 Bug
64 Bus
Alternator Q\'s??
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 6:59 am
by Marc
Does the warning light work? Alternators get their field flash current through the filament of the warning light, without it they rely on residual magnetism (and an aluminum housing doesn't hold much for long) and may not charge until revved to high RPM, if then.
Alternator Q\'s??
Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2002 9:10 pm
Go with Eaalreds answer, he is absolutely right.
Rick (M.C. Drag Racer).