The VW Gods

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Air-Cooled Head
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The VW Gods

Post by Air-Cooled Head »

When I pulled my engine to address overheating issues, the collar came off my clutch. Not to worry, I had a spare plate and disk.
Taking off the plate, loosening around in the prescribed manner, each bolt snapped loose as expected. Suddenly, SPROING! The plate and disk pop out, and there are 6 broken bolts in the flywheel.
Now I'm not happy, but not upset. The VW Gods had smiled upon me, and I just happen to have a shiny new flywheel, and my trusty Torquemeister. I hadn't planned on all of this, but,,,
So the Torquemister goes on, and in a few turns, SNAP! The gland nut breaks off!
So now that the tears have dried, questions;

A) Do you think a machine shop can get it out without tearing down the engine?
B) Do you think they could even w/ engine torn down?
C) Do you think this excessive tightness was due to my overheating?
D)Do you think the VW Gods hate me?

[This message has been edited by Air-Cooled Head (edited 07-16-2002).]
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The VW Gods

Post by Marc »

If the glandnut just broke from more torque than it can handle (the threads were good) there shouldn't be anything holding its remains in the crank - have you tried just sticking a finger/thumb in it and unscrewing it? Maybe snapring pliers to get a little better grip.
Worst case I would expect it to be possible to walk it out with a hammer and small chisel. Machine shop should be able to do it for you with the engine assembled.
Are you sure your torque wrench is trustworthy? Clutch bolts don't usually snap, even at 21 lb-ft or more.
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The VW Gods

Post by 63ragtop »

The glandnut broke on me once, and like you I thought I was in for some work, but to my suprise, the only tool that I needed was the end of my finger. It should just unscrew out of the crank. Good luck
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The VW Gods

Post by rich2481 »

that is all well and good unless you Loctite it, then I would think that you would have to apply some heat,

That car seems to have a bad omen on it.

[This message has been edited by rich2481 (edited 07-16-2002).]

The VW Gods

Post by Bobnotch »

I had this problem happen to me before. I was all set to remove it with a hammer and chisel(cuz it was loctited), tapped it and it started to move then just used my fingers to finish removeing it.WOO HOO,can you say sigh of relief.Put a new one in and its been fine since. I hope this this helps you out.
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The VW Gods

Post by scottk »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Air-Cooled Head:
A) Do you think a machine shop can get it out without tearing down the engine?
B) Do you think they could even w/ engine torn down?
C) Do you think this excessive tightness was due to my overheating?
D)Do you think the VW Gods hate me?

A - I dunno
B - I dunno
C - I dunno
D - Probably not but I did hear them snickering about some poor guy who broke his gland nut.. one of them did have a guilty smile.
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The VW Gods

Post by Sidewalk »

The VW Metatron told me that the VW gods don't hate you, but he was rolling his eyes at the time Image

-For those who have seen 'Dogma' Image

'88 Bronco II - Sonja
'59 Bug - Stella
'00 Buell X1 - Liz
"Yes, I am a smart ass."
"I'm a DUMBASS too"
But are you gutless?

Sarcasm is one service we offer.
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