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No Gas gauge on 61??
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 2:45 am
by paulwright
I bought the 61 Cabrio for my wife last night. She was very excited but not very happy when she relized that there is no gas gauge. Is there anyway to put a gauge on a 61??
I always heard that there was a lever you could kick to give you another gallon when you ran out of gas. I do not see it anywhere?
No Gas gauge on 61??
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 4:56 am
by Marc
Reserve tap should be on the front firewall just above the tunnel where you can manipulate it with your right toe.
You could fit a `62 tank & gauge but that would give purists fits. Better to find a repop accessory gauge that would be authentic for the `61.
When the fuel tap is pointed up, you'll run out of gas after using up the first ~9 gallons, to the right you'll run the tank dry (another gallon or so "reserve), and at 45° it shuts off fuel flow...
No Gas gauge on 61??
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 5:37 am
by paulwright
Thanks fo rthe info. I just got the car late last night and I can't wait to get off of work so I can play with it. I did not see any lever so I will look first thing when I get home. What do you mean by repop gas gauge??
These is a headlight bright dimmer switch on the floorboard...that is not original is it?? (it does work though!!)Do you have any rear seats?
Thanks again for the help.
No Gas gauge on 61??
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 7:15 am
by 60-sunroof
Paul the dimmer switch is correct on the floor.
as to changing to a 62 up fuel guage you will need a later tank and sending unit as well as the dash plate.
about any swap meet will have the parts to do the conversion.
as for the back seat good luck,this might cost $$$$$$$$$$$.
there is a swap and car show oct 5th in ky.
No Gas gauge on 61??
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 7:39 am
by Marc
I'm no authority on what's "exact" for a `61 but I recall seeing several different gauges in cars from that era - here's some pictures:
The old vacuum-actuated Dehne (mostly on `50s cars, but could be on a `61):
A Motometer aftermarket unit:
Another Motometer - "triple":
The M40 option (I think) marked different than `62-`67 gauges:
You might want to sign up at the Vintage list and see if someone has the right one:
No Gas gauge on 61??
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 7:45 am
by paulwright
60 sunroof. I will be at the Car Oct 5th.
will you be there...are you a member of the Louisville Club??
Thanks for the info.
No Gas gauge on 61??
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 9:43 am
by 60-sunroof
no i will be at the show in indy that day.
I belong to the indiana clubs.
No Gas gauge on 61??
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 10:47 am
by paulwright
Bummer!!! I think that will hurt both of our shows a little. Next year we need to be a little more careful about the dates. will you be at the Spring Mill Park Show???
No Gas gauge on 61??
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 11:25 pm
by old-bug
I might if I have a car my 60 is for sale and i hope to sell it soon,need cash for oval car.
yes next year we will will change the date to not hit on the same day.