Carb selection
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 10:27 am
Hey guys, cool site. I searched but so many combos, all different replies...
I picked up a Baja w/1835 that was stripped. I have everything but a carb set up. This dude has two carbs (center mnt)for sale and said he would include jetting for my motor. A Weber 40IDF with 28vents, 60idle, 145main, 165air and F-11 emultion tubes...or a 44IDF with 32vents, 50idle, 135main, 160air and F-7 emultions.
Which carb would be better for my motor and do the jetting he recommends sound right?
1835 w/40x35 heads
.438 total adjusted lift, 225 dur@.050
002 bus trans
30"or31"? tires
In search I see this question irritates some, but I would really appreciate helpful recommendations as I have little experienced with carbs.
I picked up a Baja w/1835 that was stripped. I have everything but a carb set up. This dude has two carbs (center mnt)for sale and said he would include jetting for my motor. A Weber 40IDF with 28vents, 60idle, 145main, 165air and F-11 emultion tubes...or a 44IDF with 32vents, 50idle, 135main, 160air and F-7 emultions.
Which carb would be better for my motor and do the jetting he recommends sound right?
1835 w/40x35 heads
.438 total adjusted lift, 225 dur@.050
002 bus trans
30"or31"? tires
In search I see this question irritates some, but I would really appreciate helpful recommendations as I have little experienced with carbs.