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Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 8:34 pm
by fetasigma
well the old hood latch failed on the highway and broke all the studs in my winshield frame, someone had welded it at one time too so now i am drilling out the old screws. I was going to weld some bots in place in back of the attachment plate on the lower frame(interior one) then put in 2 new bots,,,,think this will work guys? ps i am having some trouble drilling through....any thoughs....drill bits seem not to bite after 5 mins or so.
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:59 am
by Capn Skully
Cobalt drill bits are the ticket. I was trying to drill some stainless steel and the bits would bounce off. Real cobalt bits (not a brand name) are available at industrial supply stores. A 3/8" bit will run about $6-$8 each. Smaller ones are cheaper of course.
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:45 pm
by Kubelmann
I would never weld on the windshield frame myself and I have access to about every type of welding gear. I agree with Colbalt bit idea. Skully is correct. You will have to got a "real" store not Home Depot. A commercial welding supply house will carry these bits. They will not be cheap. But they will get the job done. At the same time, buy a tap and the associated stainless steel flat head screws and you will never have troubles again. I have had little lucky wiht the old easy out technique on our beloved Things and have seen more than one broken in the hole. Now that is a pain to fix... I broke and easy out in a front caliper trying to get out the rusty bleader and that caliper ended up in the trash. Not so easy to toss when it is your windshield frame.
Hope this is helpful. K-mann