I would like to express my attitude for everybody that takes the time to reply to this website.
K-man, All I was looking for was for someone to tell me what they had built and what they were happy with and I got more than I expected from you. I've taken your receipe literally, and have started on duplicating your motor. Sounds awesome! I can't wait to complete it.
Want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Neal, you show a most excellent sense of judgement. That engine is not one of those cost efficient Santee jobs but rather a personalised expression of an exceptional individual(not you K`mann). Best of luck to you neal and hoping you have a happy thanksgiving. Bob Ingman
Neal, Pmail me so I can throw a few more ideas your way depending on your budget. Depending on you budget, I can offer a few mods that will add endurance to your motor. K-mann