Thing Newbie - Advice Appreciated

VW's aircooled mini SUV. Great for riding in the country, or cruising the beach.
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Thing Newbie - Advice Appreciated

Post by 71GHIAMT »

I got the big 40 in a few weeks and I need to buy somehting. A Thing is on my list. Over the years I've owned and restored a few Ghias and Buses, but have never had any experince with Things. Can anyone give me any tips or suggestions on what I can do to better inform myself about making a purchase? I want to spend about $3-$4,000 and be as safe as possible on the street and tame off-road touring. Thanks.
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Bob Ingman
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Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2001 12:01 am

Post by Bob Ingman »

The thing is really no different than the ghia and bus as far as what to watch for. As a rule the same applies. Watch the pans and wheel wells for rusted sections. The rockers are prone to rot just as they are in a bus.The closer it is to stock and good condition the more you can expect to pay. But you can get a good driver within your budget. If you want to off-road some them that is less important to you and you can save some money by saving the virgins for the purist.
The Thing specific parts to watch for that can cost you money are items like Wiper motor, winshield,front and rear suspension parts like spindles rear drums CVs , axles,trans. stub axles, engine case, Look at the ball joints and see that they are parrallel to each other and not one from top and one from bottom as gug and ghia. Just the little things like that. I`m sure others will have more ideas to contribute. Glad to have you here. Best of luck. Bob Ingman
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