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Doghouse Repair
Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 3:25 pm
by Kubelmann
Has anyone done business with
Their web page offers a very impresive line of parts for very good prices. They offer a number of Thing parts as well. Some parts I have not seen on any other web site. K-mann
Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 10:55 pm
by alsehendo
I'm going to order a ball joint and a CV from them this week I found their site while surching for new Thing parts. They may be drop shippers who won't have the parts, I guess I'll find out. I did asked on T4 forum about these guys but got no responce.
Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 7:39 pm
by alsehendo
I ordered the ball joint they shiped it the next day.
They do shipping a wierd way I was charged a max value as stated in the checkout of $14, but they said I would be credited to the actual amout of UPS charge to my zip code. I was sceptical but they actule did it, and credited back $4.00. Seems like they came through with flying colors. I will know for shure when it arives but its in UPS hands.
I'm glad they seem to have a lot of new Thing parts at reasnable prices. I still will lean toward for regular VW stuff they have always treated me well.