Thing pedigree

VW's aircooled mini SUV. Great for riding in the country, or cruising the beach.
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Thing pedigree

Post by radioman »

It sort of irritates me that VWTs and other main stream magazines ignore the Thing, while getting all excited about buses, square backs, notch backs, Ghias and Beetles. The Beetle I can understand but isn't there any room for a little Thing stuff?

Anyway, can I get the VW pedigree on my Thing? If so where and how much? How does one get the manufacture info on a Thing??? Bill

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Post by MNAirHead »

Chances are that your car came from Mexico -- I've never heard of the birth certificate from mexican vws.

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Post by radioman »

Air: thanks for your reply. I understand that manufacturing info is no available for Mexican Things. Thanks for you help> Bill :D :D
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