I was doing some engine work this past weekend and looked to the side and noticed that the body of the 74 Thing blocks approx 1" of the air from coming in around the bottom and sides of the scoop. WOuld it let more air in if the hole in the body was cut closer to the dimensions of the air scoop-sort of like port matching heads and manifolds. I have owned this Thing a long time and just noticed that.
I've often thought the same thing and know that one of the Topica guys actually had his own scoop type muffs fabricated. I don't know what difference in cooling it makes, but I would really love to see some data.
I thought about that too-you would definately need to leave some material on the bottom to catch the rain and drain it out the drain tubes-but the sides and the top might be good for cutting
I have thought about trying to neatly just cut some holes in the front on the vertical surface. At least that way some air would be forced in while the vehicle was moving.
I may be wrong but I think the muffs are more related to heating than to cooling. The 73 does not have them and cools just fine. The 74 has recirculated heat that needs an intake source for that. Just a thought. Cheers. Bob Ingman