74 nos exhaust ?

VW's aircooled mini SUV. Great for riding in the country, or cruising the beach.
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74 nos exhaust ?

Post by svavr6 »

I have a NOS exhaust system for a 74 thing. I just wanted to know has anyone on this forum ever seen one of these new and not installed on a car. I have pictures of it if anyone is interested in seeing them.
Capn Skully
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 5:56 am

Post by Capn Skully »

My Thing has the original exhaust system.....

Are you selling or just offering photos?
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2002 12:01 am

Post by svavr6 »

No not selling one i just really wantd to know how rare one of these are and how man are still out there that are not rusted apart.
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Post by germansupplyscott »

Capn Skully wrote:
Are you selling or just offering photos?
he's just tormenting anyone who would like to buy an original '74 exhaust . he's been doing it over on thesamba forum as well :-)
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2002 12:01 am

Post by svavr6 »

Ya that's what i do go to forum to forum rubbing rare Vw parts in peoples faces. Check out my next post in the vortex forum i can't wait to see your reply. :wink: on a serious note I have noticed that thing owners are not as willing to share information as much as beetle owners there seems to be a competition out there for information and who has the best car this also very evident at shows any input or am I the only one that sees this.
Capn Skully
Posts: 400
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 5:56 am

Post by Capn Skully »

You must be the only one. I have had any question I asked answered and usually correctly as well.

Of course the questions like where can I find a cheap thing or what should I look for when I buy one etc... those are likely ignored. Cheapness is in the eye of beholder and Things are subject to the same elements of distruction as any other automobile.
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