another problem

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another problem

Post by caspar »

i was driving on freeway and lost power..pull off(coasted off).. anyway, the engine truns over, like there is no fire... it has gas, just had heads redone, new rings, push tubes, etc done..

could this be a coil, points, ????
if i can figure it out i am taking it back to guy that done the work on it.. i would call him but his is at the classic in irvine....

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Bob Ingman
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Post by Bob Ingman »

To check for fire at the points pull the center wire from the distributor and hold it about 1/8" from a ground (like engine case or base of carb) as someone cranks the engine over. You should have a breaking blue spark. If not go back a step and see if the wire going to the hot side of the coil is supplying juice. Do that by pulling it off while key is in ON position and brush it lightly against any ground. Should ark and spark. These are not tech test procedures as would be performed in a shop but rather quick roadside test. If no juice TO COIL then a problem between switch and coil. Unlikely though. Do test and get back with results. Bob Ingman
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Post by caspar »

i just did both test.. i have spark from coil wire.. and i have ark from + wire from coil(rub lighty on - side of coil)
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Bob Ingman
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Post by Bob Ingman »

Caspar if you have a breaking spark at the dist wire that meany you are getting fire to the points and firing through them. Have you removed the cap to inspect the rotor? Could be that. If rotor looks good better check for fuel.
Put a bit of gas into the carb throat and see if it fires up momentarily. If so you have a fuel delivery problem. Bob
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Post by caspar »

thanks for your help.. it was a fuel problem.. the pin in the fuel pump was gone so it was like i was out of gas...the new fuel pumps dont have a clip on the pin.. i took an old pump apart and got the parts i needed..

thanks again

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Bob Ingman
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Post by Bob Ingman »

Caspar good to hear you`re on the road again. Cheers. Bob Ingman
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