New convertible top

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New convertible top

Post by 1961decepticon »

I just purchassed my Thing (acapulco edition) and I am in process of trying to get the convertible top attached so that I may start to drive it. The previous owner had ordered a brand new canvas top from TMI (I think that is the brand, or at least that is what he said) and had not yet attached it to the frame. I have the frame on the car and was fooling around just to see how it would look, I found out right away that the top is tight on the bottom loops. I can get them all on except it is too far to stretch to get the eylet over the loop closest to the front on the passenger side. Also I have not yet figured out how the little straps above each eylet are used to secure it... I have fed them through and then tucked them underneath, and that seems to hold, but I am sure it is wrong. Tonight I am visiting my friend who has a rivet gun ad we are going to attempt to get this done. How does the top attach to the sides? How tight should it be? How far do I put the top into the rivets? I am afraid there is no pre cut holes to show me where the rivets co on the canvas. I also think I am missing some straps that connect the tension bar to the regular frame, I see it in parts catalougs and the prev owner said that he used to just pull the tension bar up manually when he had the vinyl top on, but that sounds silly to me, I am sure those straps need to be there. Anyone who can help me on this install or point me towards a website or source that is like a how to, that would be great, I do not want to mess this up.
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Post by Kubelmann »

The Thing Shop has a video that they give free when you buy a top from them that shows how to intall the soft top onto the frame. I watched it twice and then set out to install my new soft top on my frame. I stopped, tok a deep breath and decided to take it to a top shop and have it done correctly. In Colorado Springs there is a guy that "used" to do tons on Thing tops but hasn't done one in years (before me). He knows what he is doing and has the tools and helpers to get the job done perfectly. Everyone has areas of car restoration that they are not willing to try. Soft top installation is it for me. I have seen too many poorly installed soft tops. Once put on poorly, they look that way for the life of the top. I suspect this will also lower the life expectancy of the top. Still others will come back and say, Come on, I installed my own soft top and it came out great. Each according to their own ability. K-mann
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Bob Ingman
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Post by Bob Ingman »

I bought a ($10) key fob from them and was sent the video. I don`t think you need to purchase the top to get one. It was a video showcasing their products but also showed the new convertable top installation.
KUbelmann I agree that top installation can be problematic. If everything is as it should be (and it seldom is) things will go smoothly. Too many frames are sprung and getting into the middle of an installation is not a good time to find this out. The top on my car was near new when I bought. It was a very tight fit. In six months I could see a bow coming through the canvas and in a year it was exposed.
When installing the next top I will need to use a come-along to tweek the frame as I go to prevent a reoccurance of the problem. Bob Ingman
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Post by Bob Ingman »

61 they say one pic is worth a thousand words so here is a link to how to tab the top stays ... c_id=73525 ... c_id=73524
Cheers .Bob Ingman
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Post by germansupplyscott »

some random thoughts about tops. i just did one.

if you buy the top tensioning straps from the thingshop they might send you the video. it is helpful. i would suggest the top instalation kit, or at least parts of it. you must use the right type of rivets to get a good job, if not buy them from thingshop then get them elsewhere. i took apart 3 tops in the last year or so, and all of them were put together wrong in one way or another.

i think the hardest part of installing a top without the holes will be getting them punched in the right place. when you install the top over the rivets, it must be stretched into place, so each hole will be slightly closer together on the unstretched top canvas than on the header bow. i think you might be be able to stretch carefully and use clamps to hold in place, then transfer the hole centers from the bow to canvas - that might work. the thingshop top has about 1/8" of cloth beyond the metal strip.

also, it is very common for people to rivet the top on incorrectly with the steel strip in the wrong place or missing altogether. do you have the steel strip?

another suggestion would be to sell the TMI top and use the money to buy thingshop top. i doubt anyone makes a top that is nicer or better fitting. i don't think the TMI top has the steel batten in the rear of the top, either, and that is not good. the corner eyelet is also larger on the thingshop top, so the problem you are having getting that one on the chassis, is not a problem. i bought their top, got the video and did it myself, it was not difficult, but i did have the video and i consulted it many times during the install. i did not buy the entire install kit, but i got the rivets and the tensioning strap. it went on very well. you can say what you want about the thingshop, but as far as anything upholstery related, nobody does it better than they do.
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Post by radioman »

I bought my top from the Thing Shop a year ago. Having never installed one, I watched the video four or five times, used their installation kit (basically blind rivets and new side clips) and got it perfect the first time. It can be daunting but GO SLOW AND PAY ATTENTION. Pounding the rivets neatly and strongly is the most difficult part.It is true that most people install the top along the front bow incorrectly, but the video shows how ,IF you watch carefully. Remember the top will be upside down as you wrap the top over the front bow and secure it PROPERLY with the provided metal strip.The Thing Shop top also has the canvas tabs to secure the sides and back and the critically important flat metal bar already sewn into the rear peice. Using the Thing Shop top you should not need to cut anything or punch holes anywhere. Their prepunched holes are in the correct position but will need to be reamed a bit to allow the rivets to pass and seat before being pounded down. I also removed my old top before installing the new on and spent a couple days straightening the bare frame with clamps, wooden bars, hammers, vice grips etc.and then painted. Then I welded a 1/2 piece of angle iron (about 11 or 12 inches long) along both side sections in front of and behind the center side frame pivot point to hold the damn thing straight. Worked great If you need better descriptions, email me. Bill Lide
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Mistake on Brand

Post by 1961decepticon »

I found out today that the top was actually made by a company called A.A. Best, not TMI like the owner said it was. I am pretty much at the point of getting a pro to do it, I am comfortable with the back and the front, I do have the metal strip for the front by the way, but I do not know how to attach it to the sides. There is a little channel in the frame, and a little spongey line on the top itself that looks like it would fit inside, but from there I do not know how it would attach and stay, I might be missing some clips or something.
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Bob Ingman
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Post by Bob Ingman »

The good news is that it`s not TMI. Wish I could be of help to you but I have not changed my top yet. Bob Ingman
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