Why does my thing lean to one side?

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Why does my thing lean to one side?

Post by pj »

:?: I'vw got a 1973 Safari (swing axle car with bus limited slip tranny and reduction boxes) that sits anywear from two to three inches lower on the passenger side. Any ideas why? It was never a problem until I put centerlines and BFG mudders on the car. Now both the front and rear tires will rub the fenders and the thing looks silly when its parked. Most people do not notice, but it's driving me crazy.
Capn Skully
Posts: 400
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 5:56 am

Post by Capn Skully »

I am not familar with how reduction boxes are mounted. But just from your description you might have a broken torsion arm.

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