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Lift Kits and Bigger Wheels
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:02 pm
by memphisthing
Glad I found this place!!! Does anyone know if there is a lift kit available for a 73 Thing? I'd like to put bigger wheels and tires on but don't know how far I can go. What is the biggest tire that will fit on the stock rims?
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:17 pm
by Marc ... lang=en-us
A 5" rim really shouldn't have anything wider than a 195-series tire on it (and that's pushing it by about ½" from ideal). A 195/75-14 like this would be 25.7" tall (about the same as the original equipment tires, just a little wider):

($72 + shipping at
If you want to go any bigger you should get wider aftermarket rims, perhaps 15" (but bear in mind you'll be messing with your gearing if you get too radical). Thing rims have less offset than bus rims (32½mm vs 47½mm) so they stick out further. You can probably run 5x14 bus rims on the back but in front I'm pretty sure there'd be clearance problems to the control arms/sway bar, so think about that if you buy wider wheels (they need to have "bug" backspace, not "bus").
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:29 pm
by Kubelmann
This issue is a good topic to bring up. I have two Things. One is being built or off-road and the other as a road car. Both are being built for 4 wheel disc brake using front ghia brakes with a caliper adapter and the backs using early 85 944 parts. I am aproaching the point ot have a good understanding of the parts and methods for adapting parts. The issue is finding 5 x 130 wheels. The other option is getting a 914 rear hub for a 4x 13 set-up. K-mann
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:29 pm
by Bob Ingman
Memphis ,Welcome to STF 181 Forum. There are generally two methods of lift commonly used by off roaders.
The first is the chassis lift which gives you ground clearance. The second is a body lift which gives fender clearance.
What I use is common and mild yet works for anything but serious all out racing. A 3 1/2" rim in the front with a 215X15 tire and a 7" rim in the rear with a 235X 15 tire. Bigger tires are often seen BUT are used in conjunction with bus transaxles or modified T-1 transaxles. If not you will have no fourth gear to speak of.
A combination of all of the above works well. That is about a 3" body lift with about a 3" chassis lift, bus transaxle and larger rear tires like 30X9.00X15. Then there are about a thoudsand little complications that must be addressed when you begin doing all this stuff but if you want to get out and play rough it is a must.
I suggest you find Jeff Hibbards book "Bajas and Buggies". Its the standard for getting started with low bucks. All VW suppliers have it. Keep hanging out here! Good luck. Bob Ingman
Lift Kits and Bigger Wheels
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:01 am
by memphisthing
Thanks for the help...This is kinda of what I'm going for but the tires wont be as big. Can you tell what all this guy has done to get this look? ... c_id=81442
I think he may have some fender clearance problems...
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 10:04 am
by Bob Ingman
Curt those front tires look too big for the car. Its common for beginners to be influenced by 4X4 styles but the fact is that VWs are very dissimilar in most respects. Its not just about clearance but about unsprung weight as well. Its murder on parts.
Whereas a big rear tire can be desirable if there is sufficient power to drive it, a big heavy front tire is not. For the front tall and narrow is prefered.
Take a look at the tires at Mickey Thompsons site. There are several that are suited to use on the front of VWs.
I did a lot of research when buying tires and found a 215X15 to be about max for the front. The sky is the limit in the rear depending on power available. Good luck. Bob Ingman
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 4:50 pm
by MNAirHead
Bob is correct (like usual)
We have things, buggies and bajas. No car had such a drastic change as when redoing wheels on the thing.
I can give you exact specs on what the largest tire you can fit on a 15" rim are.... we tried it this summer.. found a dimension that only scraped when hitting a huge bump.
I'd be careful on going drastic on tires etc --- suspension upgrades are one of the most expensive things to do on a VW.... plus take a ton of time.
We have 33s on one of our bajas -- they're getting moved back to 31s.. it takes a 2.0 litre and 6 rib tranny to power them.
On one of our bajas we have wide off-road 14s... they don't look like a 4wd.. but come close enough were kids are impressed.... can also give specs of this tire. We're running GM Camero rims with steel adaptors.
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 4:53 pm
by MNAirHead
Crazy Question ---
Is it look or performance for your thing wheel upgrade... maybe this will help us fellow thingers.
Bigger Wheels & Lift Kits
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 3:37 pm
by memphisthing
I'm only going for looks, I have too much time and money invested already to take my car off road.
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 5:39 pm
by Bob Ingman
Curt just go for the 235 and 215 15 they are about the most you can get under the fenders without a body lift.
Although in the link you posted he does not mention it but in additin to the obvious rub shown on the front fender he is probably experiencing a rub on the back side of the headlight bucket. Its common. The wheel width and amount of offset are as important as tire size if not more so. Good luck. Bob Ingman
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 6:19 pm
by Bob Ingman
Curt to answer your question directly the biggest tire that I know will fit the stock rim (you seem to like the aggressive look) is probably the Kumho Venture MT 27X8.5-14. When this forum was first getting started there was a guy here from Fl. that had a set of them. Said they worked fine. Bottom right of page. Then click on sizes. Or specs.
Hope this helps. There is very little in 14 inch that is off-road type but another I know of is BF Goodrich Radial TAs. Good luck. Bob Ingman
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 9:46 pm
by MNAirHead
I have a set of Camero rims on our Baja... 14" about 6" wide and an agressive tread pattern.
If you're sticking with 14's I can find the 2 vendors and sizing.