Great New Thing Data Store House

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Great New Thing Data Store House

Post by Kubelmann »

As some of you are aware I have a certain passion for creating a simple location to stockpile links to important Thing data. The link above is on the road to do just this. Thanks to Ian and Sparky... This site is so cool that you can log on and do direct posting edit. Show us you have something to offer.. Add you links and expertise. I have been working the site for the past few days and the links are starting to make searching for Things data a breeze. I worked for about an hour to locate a number of the old sites that had PDF Thing owner's manuals (both 73 and 74) but seemingly all those old links are now defunct... I own the PDF files (as part of the RoMTOC Thing Data CD) So it will be posted eventually. Anyway go to the site and give back some of what you owe to others for their help over the years. K-mann