Hold down loops for top

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Hold down loops for top

Post by caspar »

i need some help on finding some hold down loops(on side and back of car) where the top is fasten to the body..there r 15 of them..
if any one has an parts body or knows where i can get some plz let me know..

i hope i explain what i am looking for correctly..

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Post by Kubelmann »

Caspar if you are talking about the nylon/cloth straps that hook the ouside edge tot he body on the soft top. The VW Thing part number is 181 871 223A strap for top. They are riveted to the soft top. There are a few solutions to this.

1. measure the straps and rivets (or if yours are completely missing I will measure for you) Go to the hardware store buy the strapping and rivets and fabricate new ones by cutting them to length melt the ends predrill the rivet holes and attach them.

2. Contact Mike Basso and buy the straps and rivets from him.

3. COntact TMI, Robbins, or some of the other Thing soft top after market guys and buy the stuff from them.

I bought this strapping recently for other places on the Thing such as the soft top frame covers and the modern stuff is way better than the OEM product.

Remember to drillout the riviets very carefully. I start with a very small hole and work my way slowly out until the rivet back comes clear. I do not know if you know what Chicago Screws are. There were originally designed as a piece of hardware for adjustatable binding bolts for book that needed to have pages changed on a regular basis. Anyway, I have been using them lately in place of riviets. They are commonly available now at hardware stores everywhere and cost around ten cents a piece. If you wnat more info on my thoughts about your project (as always) pmail me and I will send you pics of any part of this that is not clear. All of the stuff I have mentioned here is available at the ACe Hardware that is two blocks from where I work. So, worst case I will get the stuff ans mail it to you. The entire project will cost you less than $5 if you make them yourself. K-mann

I hope this helps.
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Post by caspar »

no i am talking about the medal loops on the side and back of car body.
the oval garment on top slips over the medal loops, and the small straps go through the medal loops..
the medal loops welded on body is what i need

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Post by Kubelmann »

Oh oh my bad.... I seem to remember that someone cut those loose from a parts car a few months ago to offer to others. I will find them. In the mean time follow my first lead. Contact my first lead (Mike Basso) He will give you the best deal for these. In the mean time i will look for the contact that I had. I kow a few folks who hae parts cars that have these parts. One way or the other we will take you home. K-mann
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Post by suntour »

I keep seeing those pop up on eBay. Look there. I think the guy called himself NuVintage or something like that. He was located in Avardo (SP?) Colorado.
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Post by caspar »

thanks for your help.. i remember seeing them on ebay too. but i cant find them now..

thanks again.

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Post by Kubelmann »

Jay owns NuVintage in Arvada and is an old Thing pal. We used his shop as the local rally point for our RoMOTOC treffen Arvada to Lookout Mountain back in MArch of 2003. He bought all of the Thing parts from Jim in Boulder who at one time had one of the largest collection of Thing parts west of the Mississippi. He is very honest and sells great Thing parts. That is where I saws the loops posted. You can email him directly at
nuvintage@qwest.net <nuvintage@qwest.net>

He has a number of Thing parts cars as well as a constant flow of THing parts. I recently bought a perfect like new passenger side Thing door from him ofr $28 including shipping. He also happens to own a real Schwimmwagen not to mention a Bus that he converted into a dunk tank that he takes to local VW shows and raised money for different charitiies with the help of young gals in bathing suits. Last year my 10 year old son had a great time hanging out wiht the dunk tank girls getting his share of dunking. Good folks always doing good works for a good cause. K-mann
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Post by caspar »

thanks for all of your help..nuvintage just got rid of his about 2 weeks ago.lol just my luck..
mike @ thingunlimited hook me up..great price too..

thanks again
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Post by Kubelmann »

I called Jay at NuVintage and he told me he had none. I am not surprised at all that Mike hooked you up at a price you were pleased with. He has really taken the reins at Things Unlimited and is taking care of us all. We need to try to buy as manyof our off the shelf VW (not Thing specific parts from him as we can. Ask him first he will strive to give you abetter deal. K-mann
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